Ai yo Eien ni
― Love Forever
― Don't be absurd!
Sekai wo shukusei suru chikara ga
― Power to cleanse the world!
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! Episode 2
Sono tame ni ha gumin to gumin ni yoru bankou ha shukusei sarenakereba naranai
― To this end, the foolish and the acts of barbarism they commit must be purged.
Kore wa zenbu yarase da Shikomi nan da yo
― This has all been prearranged! It's a set-up!
Saa Hireashi Subete wo hakujou surun da
― Now, Hireashi! Confess everything!
Kimira no hatsugen koudou ikkyoshu-ittousoku
― The things you say, the things you do, every move you make...
Zenbu subete issai-gassai uchuu chuukei sareteru no yo
― All of it, down to the tiniest detail, is being broadcast across the universe!
Na-Nan da tte
― Wh-What did you say?!
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 3
Na Nan da ttee
― S-Say what?!
The parody originates from a manga "Magazine Mystery Reportage" by Ishigaki Yuki.
『MMR マガジンミステリー調査団』石垣ゆうき
Shougeki sameyaranu to itta hyoujou no Dark Autite koto Kusatsu Kunshiro-san deshita
― That was Dark Autite, A.K.A Kusatsu Kunshiro, whose expression suggests some lingering shock!
Zen gingakei ni chuukei sarete iru no desu
― It's all being broadcast throughout the whole galaxy!
Osananajimi ni muketa awai shibo ijippari hatsuatari yamu ni yamarenu surechigai
― The faint yearning for your childhood friend, the obstinacy, the angry outbursts, the unavoidable failures of understanding...
Kyara tattemasu kara ne
― You're a stand-out character!
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Episode 2
Kyarakutaa ga tatsun da yo
― The character becomes defined!
Zen uchuu nanman nanoku to iu shichousha no aida de wadai futtou-chuu desu yo
― You're a conversation topic for thousands of millions of peole across the universe!
Tsundere desu yo tsundere
― It's the tsundere in you.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Episode 3
Uwa nani sono nioi tatsu made ni template na tsundere-teki reaction
― What's with that textbook tsundere reaction that stinks to high heaven?
Subete ga hakujitsu no moto ni sarasareta ima to natte wa
― Now that everything's been brought to light,
Watashi ga chitsujo da no nan da no tonaeyou ga munashii dake da
― all my task of order rings completely hollow.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 7
Tatakai ha itsumo munashii
― Fighting is always fruitless.
Hibi no makiwari wa date ja nakatta
― All that daily wood chopping wasn't just for show.
Yatterman Night Episode 11
Date ni shabereru buta yattemasen ne
― You're not a talking pig for nothing, huh?
Teka nata tte nan da Hamarisugi daro
― And what's with the hatchet? That's a bit obsessive.
Nande sonna konareterun da yo anchan
― Why are you so good at this, big bro?
Yoku ki ga tsuita ne Kanshin Kanshin
― He actually noticed! Well done! Well done!
Kamisama Hajimemashita 2 Episode 9
Hitori de inokori to wa kanshin ja noo
― Admirable of you to stay behind alone to train.
Chikyuu metsumou dekiru ka na
― Can I Destroy the Earth?
Dekirukana (できるかな) was an educational children's television show produced by NHK between 1967 and 1990.
Dekirukana was broadcast during the 1980s and 1990s with great success in many state-run networks in Latin America, to whom NHK donated the programme, along with other educational shows. In these countries the name of the show was translated as ¿Puedo hacerlo yo? ("Can I do it?"), but it is informally known as Nopo y Gonta, after the main characters. (
Wareware ga okurikonda kaijin wo sono otoko wa tsugitsugi gekitai shita
― That man vanquished allthe monsters we sent, one after another.
kuuki mo yomazu
― and no ability to read the mood.
Encouragement of Climb Season 2 Episode 22
Ano ko kuuki yomenai hito
― Maybe she has trouble reading social cues?
Ore ga nete kara anchan yoku nata wo toideta kee
― My brother would always sharpen his hatchet after I went to bed...
Your lie in April Episode 15
Wakai sainou wa butsukariatte tagai wo kenma suru youni kagayakiau
― When young talent collides, they polish each other until they each achieve a sheen.
Futsuu ni oshikko chibiru level jan yo
― Yeah, on a pants-pissing level.
Concept wo miushinatta bangumi wa teishichouritsu ni aeida
― Once the program lost its concept, the ratings dwindled.
Kogena gukou to bankou wo yurusu wake ni wa paparacchi
― I could not allow such foolishness and barbarism!
Uchuu rinri koujou kikou ni nando mo uttaeta noni
― You received numerous complains from the Space Ethics Improvement Organization,
放送倫理番組向上機構 (housou rinri bangumi koujou kikou)
Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization
It's often abbreviated to "BPO."
Anatatachi wa "tonikaku saigo made mitekudasai" de uyamuya ni
― but you always make some vague excuse like "just watch it until the end"!
Barakamon Episode 12
Kono mama uyamuya ni suru wake ni wa ikanai wa
― There's no way I can let this go!
Watashi wa tada doubutsu aigo no seishin kara
― I'm just acting in the spirit of animal preservation!
Kono chikyuu no seibutsu ga omoshiro hanbun ni horobosareru no ga miru ni taenakatta no horohoro
― I couldn't stand watching the creatures of Earth wiped out for someone's entertainment!
Nan desu ka sono enjou shouhou
― What kind of viral marketing it that?
Girl Friend BETA Episode 2
Yoku ironna basho de enjou shiteru noha nihon no wakamono no atsui shouko deshou
― But that's why all those blogs catch on like wildfire, isn't it?
Samoshii no zutaboro
― Your selfishness is your undoing!
Somosomo compliance wa dou natterun desu ka
― What about compliance, anyway?
We use the word in Japanese nowadays.
Heso de cha wo wakasu wai
― I'm laughing so hard, I could brew tea in my nevel!
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! Episode 9
Heso de cha wo wakashimasu yo
― Don't make me laugh.
○へそで茶を沸かす (Heso de cha wo wakasu)
Literally: boil tea on one's navel
Meaning: something ridiculous
Damare Karada ni fukuro toka kimochiwarui daa
― Silence! You have a pouch, and that's just gross!
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! Episode 2
― He's a marsupial.
Hikohiko sasete nai mon
― I'm not twitching it!
Shashi-hensan-shitsu ni shimanagashi ni sareru shi sa
― I was exiled to the conpany history complication office.
Gootanda-sei no kyabajou no Aria-chan ni mo furareru shi sa
― Ecen Aria-chan, the cabaret girl from Gotanda Planet, dumped me!
Gotanda (五反田) is a busy neighbourhood in the Shinagawa ward of Tokyo, Japan. The name "Gotanda" can be literally translated as "a (rice) paddy of half-hectare's size". ([Brushup]
Assassination Classroom Episode 10
Kyabajou da tte kyaku ga guuzen chichioya dattara gikochinaku naru desho
― A club hostess would be just as awkward if her customer happened to be her father!
Mou sanzan datta no yo
― It put me through the wringer!
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 10
Mou sanzan yo
― I've had enough!
Te kyabakura ikun da
― You go to cabaret clubs?
That's kabuki rule
― That's the kabuki rule!
Kabuki (歌舞伎) is a classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers. (
Koujou misete you anchan
― Show some mettle, big bro!
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 6
ano netsui to konjou ga areba park no senryoku ni naru kamo shirenai wa
― that determination and passion might come in handy for the park.
― I refuse!
It's a pun for 割る (waru: chop).
Kore nara dochira ga kattemo daikouhyou machigai nashi
― Whoever wins, we're guaranteed rave reviews!
Yumoto no aniki ni kougeki suru no wa ki ga hikeru kedo
― I'm not really excited about attacking Yumoto's brother, but...
Dame da Ha ga tatanai
― It's no use! We're no match for him!
Anchan Shouki ni natte yo
― Big bro! Come to your senses!
Yatterman Night Episode 7
Youyaku shouki ni modottan da ne
― You're finally back to your normal selves!
Kou iu shigoto wa ichiban wakate ga yaru mon desho
― It's the duty of the youngest member to handle this kind of work, right?
Hanayamata Episode 10
Shinnyuu buin no mendou wo miru no wa ichiban wakate no watashi no shigoto kanaa nante
― I just thought maybe it's my job to look after the rookie, since I'm the next newest member.
― More Better Love Making?!
Kingyo to harinezumi de harisenbon
― A goldfish and a hedgehog make a porcupinefish.
Waga kou no seito ni kigai ga kuwaerareru no wo seito-kaichou to shite kanka dekinakatta dake da
― As student council president, I couldn't turn a blind eye to anyone causing harm to our students. That's all.
Akatsuki no Yona Episode 22
Kanojo ni kigai wo kuwaeta kimi-tachi ni tekagen dekiru hodo boku wa seijin kunshi de wa nai kara ne
― I'm not virtuous enough to go easy on the men who hurt her.
Kaku ga sagatte iru zo
― You're worse than before!
格が下がる (kaku ga sagaru): fall in rank
Namae nado kazari desu
― The name is just ornamental!
Kaeriuchi ni shite kureru wa
― Let's turn the tables on them!
Kamisama Hajimemashita 2 Episode 3
Hamukatte kuru mono wo kaeriuchi ni suru no wa suki da ga
― I like turning the tables on those who rise up againsit us,
Ika doubun
― Ditto.
Bunkasai wa tsutsuganaku okonaware
― The culture festival proceeded without incident,
Kyou no furo mo ii anbai da zo
― Today's bath is in good condition.
Omae nikujaga to shichuu ga hara-chigai no kyoudai da tte shitteta
― Did you know that nikujaga and stew are brothers from different mothers?
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Episode 7
Kono mae nikujaga ga tsukureru onna no ko tte ii mitaina koto itteta kara
― He said something about how girls who can make good meat and potato stew are nice...
Nikujaga is a Japanese dish of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce, sometimes with ito konnyaku and vegetables. (

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 3
Watashitachi ibo-kyoudai nano
― we're siblings by different mothers.
Tada nikujaga tte yabottaku nai desu ka
― But nikujaga's rather homely, isn't it?
Iya gyuu demo buta demo ii to iu nikujaga no futokoro no fukasa koso hyouka sareru beki deshou
― No, the broad-mindedness of nikujaga, that you can make it with beef or pork, is a thing to be admired.
Thinly sliced beef is the most common meat used, although minced/ground beef is also popular. Pork is often used instead of beef in eastern Japan. (
Dochi ni shiro imo no shurui wo machigaeruto tokete zannen na koto ni naru ne
― Either way, it's still sad when you get the wrong type of potatoes and they melt.
The 'danshaku' (baron) brand of potato turns flaky and soft when cooked, while the 'May queen' brand retains moisture and shape.
Ano katte ni naki mono ni shinaide maccho ne
― Excuse me... Don't treat me like I'm dead just yet.
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