Onsen gasshuku
― Hot Spring Camp
Watashi ha tabi ga hoshii desu
― I want tabi socks!
足袋: Japanese split-toed socks
Okujou ha tukai houdai yosan tappuri
― we can use the rooftop all we want, secure a huge budget,
放題: at will
たっぷり: a lot
[Brushup] (unposted)
SPACE DANDY Episode 19
A, soko de muryou tabehoudai tteno yatte masu ne
― Oh, and there's a free all-you-can-eat buffet there.
Moshikashitara gouka bushitsu made te ni hairu kamo
― and maybe even get ourselves a fancy new club room.
Daikangei desu VIP taiguu shimasu
― You're very welcome here! We'll treat you like a VIP!
Watashi ga haitta kara niha bishibishi iku kara
― Now that I'm a member, I'll crack down on you all.
びしびし: severely, frankly, mercilessly, relentlessly
Shuuchuus shite renshuu shinai to
― We have to buckle down and practice.
集中する: concentrate
Otousama ga kaigai kara no okyakusama wo motenasu noni yoku tsukau ryokan ga atte
― There's a traditional inn where my father often puts up foreign guests.
旅館: Japanese-style inn
Deha sensei ga insotsu shimashou
― I'll come along to supervise!
引率する: lead, escort
Oyatsu ha gohyaku en made desu ka
― Are we limited to 500 yen for snacks?
As an aside, there is the following cliche:
Banana ha oyatsu ni hairimasu ka
― Is a banana included in snacks?
Ensoku ja nai kara
― It's not a class outing!
Shuugaku ryokou demo nai kara
― It's not a field trip, either.
Furifuri to iu ka otome to iu ka
― It's kind of frilly... and girly.
Hanayamata Episode 7
Sode ga furifuri shite kawaii
― The sleeves are so flappy and cute!
Sekkaku nihon ni kitan dakara yamato nadeshiko tte mono wo dane
― Now that we're in Japan, you should try to be the ideal Jpanese woman.
Yamato nadeshiko (やまとなでしこ or 大和撫子) is a Japanese term meaning the "personification of an idealized Japanese woman", or "the epitome of pure, feminine beauty". It is a floral metaphor, combining the words Yamato, an ancient name for Japan, and nadeshiko, a delicate frilled pink carnation called Dianthus superbus, whose kanji translate into English as "caressable child" (or "wide-eyed barley"). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_nadeshiko)

Son nan dakara mama ni aiso tsukasarerun desu yo
― This is why Mom got fed up with you!
Barakamon Episode 8
Kabutomushi ga ippiki mo toren youja Naru ni aiso tsukasaru dde
― Naru's gonna be so let down if ya can't even catch one beetle!
Hitori hitori ni awaseta teineina shidou
― My teaching is carefully geared toward each student's needs.
丁寧な: courteous, gentle
Jitusha papa ha mama to rikon shite nihon ni kitan desu
― Dad came here after he and my mom got divorced.
結婚(kekkon) ⇔ 離婚(rikon)
Kore kara gasshuku nanoni minna herohero ja nai
― We're off to training camp, and you girls look beat.
Hanayamata Episode 8
Masaka konna ni herohero toha
― I didn't think they'd wear down this easily.
Buhi ga oriru made aniki ga tsuke ni shite kure mashita
― Bro's letting us borrow them until we can buy them off him.
部費: club budget
つけにする: tab
Tabi no oyado
― Travel Lodge
Youkoso okoshi kudasai mashita
― Thank you for coming.
Fusuma Tatami Shouji
― Paper partitions! Tatami mats! Paper doors!

Kono onsen-manjuu ikeru ikeru
― These hot spring steamed buns aren't bad.
It is manju sold in towns of hot springs.
There are only few hot springs suited for steaming buns,
so many of the manju called Onsen-manju are normal manju just as a souvenirs.
Shimeshi ga tsukanai kara minna no mae de ha Sensei moshikuha Coach tte yonde kureru
― You need to set an example by calling me Sensei or Coach when we're around the other girls, okay?
Kakushitsu ga toketa totan taido ga ookiku natta wa ne Sally-sensei
― Sally-sensei's gotten a little cocky since their feud ended.
態度が大きい: act big, have a big attitude
Yukara iki desu naa
― A yukata! So classy.
粋: stylish, tasteful, chic
Onsen-tamago jibun dake zurui desu
― You're gonna eat hot spring eggs by yourself? No fair.
Black hot spring egg is a specialty of 大涌谷(Owakudani) in 箱根(Hakone).
Eating one is said to add seven years to your life.
― An oil-paper umbrella?
Bangasa is one of traditional Japanese umbrellas.
"番(ban)" has meaning as "ordinary" or "everyday."
- 番茶(bancha): coarse tea
- 御番菜(obanzai): Kyoto-style home cooking
Kono gap ga moe tte yatsu desu ne
― They call this contrast "moe," don't they?
ギャップ萌え(gap-moe): contradicting attractive characteristic
Tami-san ha poyoyon desu
― And you're so bouncy, Tami-san.
Totsugeki shuzai Tokiwa Machi tte donna hito
― On-the-spot interview!! What kind of person is Tokiwa Machi?
●Q: 最近のマイブームは?コンビニ食玩の森の仲間達集めです♡
Saikin no my-boom ha? Konbini shokugan mori no nakamatachi
― Q: What are you into lately? Collecting the forest buddies series of convenience store gifts
"マイブーム" is a Japanese-English word meaning "personal current obsession."
食玩 is an abbreviation of 食品玩具(shokuhin gangu), which means "premium stuff" or "small toy sold with food."
Minna tetsuya shite tsukareteru noni
― Everyone's worn out from working all night.
Tetsuya shita karada de nagaburo suru kara yo
― It's because she spent too long in the bath after an all-nighter.
Chuugakusei ga nomu mono ja nai wa yo
― This isn't a drink for middle schoolers...
Ichigo mamushi
― Strawberry Energy Drink
まむし: viper
Some health drink contains viper as an ingredient.
Dekinai no ga kuyashii no yo ne
― It frustrates her when she can't do something.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 10
Kuyashii Kore ja watashi hikitate yaku ja nai
― This is so vexing! I'm just making her look better!
Shinnyuu buin no mendou wo miru noha ichiban wakate no watashi no shigoto kanaa nante
― I just thought maybe it's my job to look after the rookie, since I'm the next newest member.
新入部員: new member of club
Moto ha Kouchi no minyou kara umareta odori desu ga ima ha motto jiyuu ni minna odotterun desu
― It was originally a folk dance from Kochi, but it's more freestyle nowadays.
Donna uratorihiki de uketsukete morattan desu ka
― What kind of back-door deal did you have to make?
[Similar expression]
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 6
Monosugoku kiken na ura route de te ni ireteru mono nannja
― Is he getting these through some dangerous black marcket connection?
Umi bo-zu 33 sai dokushin
― Sea Monk (33, single)
tte ore konna yakumawari bakka
― I keep getting this stuff dumped on me-
SPACE DANDY Episode 22
Son na yakumawari desu ne
― It's such a thankless role, isn't it?
Yaya-chan ga bara Tami-oneechan ga yuri
― Yaya-chan is a rose, Tami-oneechan is a lily,
Hana-chan ga bluestar watashi ga sakura
― Hana-chan is a bluestar, and I'm a cherry blossom.
Minna wo hana ni tatoetara tte kangaetan dakedo
― I was thinking about which flowers would represent each of us.
例える: compare, liken
Machi-san ha himawari
― Machi-san would be sunflower!
Nanka oomono ppoi shi ne
― It has an air of importance, too.
SPACE DANDY Episode 21
Konna toki ni neteru nante oomono ttsuuka nantsuuka
― He must be some big shot to be sleeping at a time like this.
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