Neko Gami Tama no Hitomebore
― Cat God Tama's love at First Sight!
Tama is a well-known name of cat in Japan. As for dog, Pochi is a stereotypical name. It's like some Spot in America.
Sore ha aru hirusagari Watakushi ha hitomebore shita nodesuwa
― It happened one afternoon... I fell in love at first sight.
Kokuhaku suruto sureba watakushi makki no ningyou fechi danya
― If there's a confession to be made, it's that I have a fetish for macabre dolls.
末期の: terminal
Kanchigai hazukashii
― What an embarrassing misunderstanding!
Shuuchishin ni tsukekomi oningyou-san itadaki nya
― I'll take advantage of your humiliation to steal your doll!
When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 5
Anata to hanashitetara shuuchishin ga dokka icchatta
― After talking to you, I feel like my shame is gone.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 3
Omae ha soko ni tsukekonda fumo
― And you took advantage―
Oningyou-san ha uretan jushi sei shilicon jushi sei
― Doll, are you made from urethane resin or silicon resin?
Sanchoume no kanmidokoro Nennekotei no kanban-musume nya
― I'm the poster girl of the Japanese café, Nennekotei, down on 3rd Street.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 1
Amaburi no kanban mascot demo aru wa
― He's also Amaburi's lead mascot.
Ryakushite "Sanchoume no Tama" danya
― They call me "Tama of 3rd Street" for short.
Tama & Friends (タマ&フレンズ Tama ando Furenzu) is a series of products & anime beginning as early as 1983. (...) The episodes, as well as an additional three episodes, aired on TBS and MBS under the name Tama of Third Street: Do You Know My Tama? (3丁目のタマ うちのタマ知りませんか? San-Chōme no Tama: Uchi no Tama Shirimasen ka?) from July 3, 1993 to August 28, 1993. (
Iine de kau nya
― Just name your price.
literally: buy at the asked price
Hibaihin desu
― She's not for sale.
Kono ASIMO yori mo namerakani ugoku namamono ga mukibutsu ka
― You think this fleshy thing that's suppler than ASIMO is inorganic?
ASIMO, an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative MObility,[1] is a humanoid robot designed and developed by Honda. (
Konna kawaii ko ga ningen na wake nai
― There's no way a girl this cute is human!
[Origin] (
Ore no imouto ga konnani kawaii wake ga nai
― My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute
Joji wo tsuremawasu chuunen kemomimi cosplayer nanodesu
― but you are a middle-aged, fox-eared cosplayer who drags a little girl around with him.
As a general impression,
- 青年(seinen): late 10s ~ 20s
- 中年(chuunen): 40s ~ 50s
- 老年(rounen): 60s~
Watashi ha oningyou-san hitosuji danya
― I only have eyes for the doll.
Kokkuri-san ha bikei mote-o nanode
― Kokkuri-san is a handsome and pupular man.
Kohina Kabattekureteru
― Kohina! You're defending me?
Demo akumade settei-jou bikei nanode mob ni shika chiyahoya sarenai nodesu
― But he is only handsome according to his backstory, so he only gets attention from backgroung girls.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 5
Kokkuri-san to mob joshi no kyori shika chijimimasen deshita
― Only the distance between Kokkuri-san and the female classmates narrowed.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 6
Ojisan wakai musume ni chiyahoya saretai kara na
― I want young girls to make a fuss over me.
Todome sasareta
― That was the killing blow!
Kowai Kimoi Kawaikunai Ningyou saiaku 3K ga sorotteita
― Scary, gross, and ugly. They had the three worst possible qualities for a doll.
3K generally means きつい(Kitsui: Demeaning), 汚い(Kitanai: Dirty), and 危険(Kiken: Dangerous).
So-called the 3Ds originated from this Japanese expression.
Wagakimi ha shugyou-chuu desu yue
― My darling is currently in training.
Saikin ningyou settei ga orosokani natteiru node
― Lately, she's been neglecting her doll backstory,
Hashibirokou no mane dasoudesu
― Apparently, she's mimicking a shoebill.
Nukegake ha yurushimasenyo
― I won't let you get ahead of me!
抜け駆けする(nukegake suru): go ahead of, steal a march
Your lie in April Episode 1
Saki ni koe kakete nukegake nante anta mo sumi ni okenai wane
― Beating him to the punch by approaching her first... My, my, are't you the player?
Naze visual de kizukanai
― Why can't you tell from her appearance?
Aji ha iito omoundesukedo uchi ha itsumo kankodori ga naitemasuno
― I think the food tastes good, but this café is always deserted.
○閑古鳥が鳴く(kankodori ga naku)
literally: a cuckoo calls
meaning: in a slump of a business
This is because its call sounds lonely.
Yappari ricchi ga waruinokashira danyan
― Maybe it's just in a bad location, meow.
Kyuuwari gata naisou no sei nanodesu
― It's definitely because of the interior decor.
Okiku-chan ja dame desuka nya
― Is there something wrong with Okiku-chan?
Shikkei nanodesu
― You are being rude.
Fuyukai nanodesu Kaeru nodesu
― I feel uncomfortable. I'm leaving.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 1
Fuyukai da
― This sucks.
Cream Anmitsu Aji
― Cream and Anmitsu Flavor
Anmitsu (あんみつ, rarely 餡蜜) is a Japanese dessert that has been popular for many decades. It is made of small cubes of agar jelly, a white translucent jelly made from red algae. (
Issai no mayoi nashi
― Not a moment's hesitation!
Koyatsu yarioru
― She's a daring one!
Kekkai ga nakanaka tokenai
― The barrier isn't going away.
Konna toki ha Google-sensei ni kiitemimashou
― We should ask Google-sensei.
― I'll write a bad review for the café on T***log!
Tabelog is a food review portal site.
Sudeni hoshi hitotsu desu
― It already only has one star.
5 stars maximum.
Ippou Ichimatsu ha sono koro kisekae ningyou ni natteita
― Meanwhile, Ichimatsu had become a dress-up doll.
A Japanese doll called 市松人形(Ichimatsu ningyo) is a kind of dress-up dolls.
― Would you like to play?
Tama ha Kokkuri-san yori kuchi-urusakatta
― But Tama turned out to be more demanding than Kokkuri-san.
Karuku ojigi wo suru toki ha juugo-do danya
― When you bow slightly, you only bend 15 degrees!
It's called 会釈(eshaku).
Watashi no oningyou-san nara hyakunin-isshu wo sorade yomunonya
― All my dolls must recite the Hundred Poems by a Hundred Poets from memory!
― As you please.
That is written "随に" in kanji.
Watashi no oningyou-san ha "nuun" nante oto dashimasen nya "Sharanra" ni kaeru nya
― My dolls do not groan! They must say "sharanra" instead!
Konoyouni osoroshiku kanri sare ningyou ha hihei shiteitta
― The doll was exhausted by Tama's frightfully strict supervision.
Matatabi nya
― Catnip!
World Wise Pooch Planet
Best Sellers Rank: 6,556
Best Sellers Rank: 6,556
PET bottle messatsujin
― Water Bottle Obliteration Formation
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 2
I sometimes see plastic bottles of water placed near front doors.
The practice is believed to keep cats way because reflection from the bottled water annoys them, but it isn't certain if that is really effective or not.
Tadashi shamisen ni nattena
― But she's a shamisen now.
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 7
Kaze ga fukeba okeya ga moukaru tte iudaro
― You know how they say the cooper makes a lot of money when the wind blows?
That means "the world is interconnected even though it doesn't seem to be ," and can be said to be somewhat similar to to butterfly effect.
When the wind blows, dust will be blown into people's eyes. If dust is blown into people's eyes, some people will go blind. The traditional employment for blind people in Japan was itinerant shamisen-playing story-tellers. The blind people would therefore be predicted to purchase shamisen. The skin of the shamisen is made of dog or more often cat. So if the number of blind people increase, then cats will be killed for their skin. If cats are killed then there will be more mice. And if there are more mice, people will need to make sure that their rice is kept in barrels. So they will order barrels. And barrel makers will get rich. (
Kohina ha neko wo taoshi ieji ni tsuita
― Kohina defeated the cat and headed home.
Tatakai ha itsumo munashii
― Fighting is always fruitless.
Meiji izeni ni taterareta kura ga aru
― there is a storehouse that was constructed before the Meiji era.
Ima made teire shitenakattaga garakuta bakari dana
― I haven't been keeping this place clean. It's foll of junk.
Korya souji suruno hone oreruna
― Cleaning this place will be backbreaking work.
Kono hako akeru bekarazu
― Do Not Open This Box
Barakamon Episode 12
Shima he iku bekarazu
― "Should not go to the island"
Akerunayo Zettaini akerunayo
― Don't open ti. Seriously, don't open it.
Akeruna to ittanoni (wara)
― I told you not to open it (lol)
Konna karenna sugata ja na
― Not in this lovely form.
可憐な: pretty, lovely, pitiful
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 4
Hio-tan no karensa ga hyoushi no yarou-kusasa wo hikitateteirun darou
― Your femininity must be bringing out the dudeness of the covers.
Ukkari suruto shinimasu
― If you're not careful, you'll die.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 2
Sumanai fumo tsui ukkari
― Sorry. That was thoughtless of me.
Omaen chi makai ni demo tsunagatten ja nainoka
― Are you sure your house isn't connected to the spirit world?
Mukatsuku-kei no kami ha aburidashi de ji ga ukideru nodesuyo
― If you hold aggravating paper up to the light, words will appear.
Demo ore ano kami keshizumi ni shichattayo
― But I turned that paper into ash!
Hisokani kikikan wo motsu Kokkuri-san datta
― Kokkuri-san had the vague feeling that his situation was critical.
危機感: sense of crisis
Kohina ano kami igai ni motoni modoru tegakari ha nainoka
― Kohina, are there any other clues besides that paper on how to return to normal?
Iyagarase ga ikigai no akuma to XX senshokutai no mochinushi nara dare demo OK no ero oyaji dazo
― We're talking about a demon who lives to harass me, and an old pervert who will hit on anything with two X chromosomes!
Dore oichan ga jikkuri shintai kensa shicharu
― I'll examine your body thoroughly.
Kitto torauma level no hazukashime wo ukeru ni kimatteru
― They would traumatize me with shame!
Akuma-domo ni sokubare shimashita
― The demons found out in no time.
Sekuhara sareru
― H-He's going to sexually harass me!
Grisaia no Kajitsu Episode 4
Te iuka anta sakkino sekuhara yo sekuhara
― Anyway, what you did earlier was sexual harassment!
Datte toshi ga chikakute kigokoro shireterushi
― But we're close in age, and we know each other well.
Konna koujouken no sorotta kimusume ga kyoubi hokani mitsukaruto omouka
― You think I'll find another virgin who fulfills all those conditions in this day and age?!
Ki wo tsukeruna baka
― Don't call me a virgin, you idiot!
Nanten ha toshimana koto kurai
― The only problem is, you're middle-aged...
年増: a middle-aged woman
●で、お天気雨はいつ降らせようか? / 狐の嫁入りじゃねぇ!
De otenkiame ha itsu furaseyouka / Kitsune no yomeiri ja nee
― So when should we make it rain? / A "fox's wedding" is not happening!
天気雨: sunny rain, sunshower
The Kitsune no Yomeiri (狐の嫁入り, "the fox's wedding") , which is similar to "monkey's wedding" in English, is a strange event told about in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. The "kitsune no yomeiri" can refer to several things: atmospheric ghost lights, a phenomenon during which it appears as if paper lanterns from a wedding procession are floating through the dark; what is commonly referred to as a sunshower; and various strange wedding processions that can be seen in classical Japanese kaidan, essays, and legends. (
Shiromuku to wedding dress docchi ga ii
― Do you prefer a white kimono or a wedding dress?

Nyuuseki ha sudeni ketteizumi
― You're already decided to add me to your family register?
●浮気はするのです? / しないんじゃないかな、多分。
Uwaki ha suru nodesu / Shinainja naikanaa tabun
― Are you going to cheat on her? / I probably won't.
●関白宣言か? / 十代に分からないツッコミはよせよ。
Kanpaku Sengen ka / Juudai ni wakaranai tsukkomi ha yoseyo
― What is this, a "Kanpaku Sengen" reference? / Don't make jokes teenagers won't understand.
"Kanpaku Sengen" is a song about a bossy husband released by a singer-songwriter, Masashi Sada in 1979, which contains the following lyric.
[Lyric] (
○俺は浮気はしない たぶんしないと思う しないんじゃないかな
Ore ha uwaki hashinai Tabun shinaito omou Shinainja naikana
― I won't cheat on you; well, I probably won't, I don't think I will
It's tough that I understand...
Hontou ha Eroi Grimm Douwa
― The Actually Dirty Grimms' Fairy Tales
A real book, "本当は恐ろしいグリム童話(Hontou wa Osoroshii Grimm Douwa: The Actually Terrible Grimms' Fairy Tales)," became a million-seller.
Kitsune ha kaeru no ouji-sama ha shitteiruka
― Fox, have you heard of the frog prince?
Hijouji ni wagamama ha yokunaize
― You shouldn't be obstinate during an emergency.
Hanayamata Episode 12
Wagamama tsuide ni mama to papa wo settoku shimasu
― While I'm being selfish, I'm going to convince Mom and Dad to let me stay.
Anma choushi ni noruto sonouchi naguruzo
― If you keep pressing your luck, I'll hit you.
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 2
Chouchi ni noriyagatte
― Cocky little ...
Kono mama Kokkuri-san ha ojisan no hanayome ni natteshimaunoka
― Will Kokkuri-san become the old man's bride?
Tsuini akasareru Kokkuri-san ga nyotaika wo kobandeita wake toha
― Why did Kokkuri-san really resist becoming a woman so much?
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 2
Nyotaika nyotaika
― Become a woman! Become a woman!
Sonna koto yori ohiru ni tabeta nira ga ha ni hasamatteiru hou ga ki ninaru Kohina de atta
― Kohina, however, was more concerned with the piece of leek that got stuck in her teeth at lunch.
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