Tekoire ga Kikanai
― Not Enough Reinforcement!
てこ(teko) lirerally means lever.
Kisama ni sashizu sareru iware ha nai
― You're not the boss of me!
いわれ: reason, cause
― There is no reason why I take orders from you.
Ichido mo yokoku nashi de yasunda koto ha nai fumo
― we have never taken a day off without advance notice!
Sakikome shiki no juu de naze rensha
― A muzzle-loading gun shouldn't be capable of automatic fire!
Mazu mitekure wo naosu
― Fix the park's appearance first.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 2
Konna kufuu wo suru hima ga attara mazu mitekure dake demo nantoka shiro
― If you've got the time to be this considerate, use it to fix your park's appearance first.
Mimawaru tokoro ha mada takusan aruwayo
― There are still a lot of places leftt to patrol.
Temijika ni ikuzo
― I'Mm going to keep this short.
Mittsu kadai ga aru
― There are three items on the agenda.
Mazu hitotsume eigyou jikan no enchou da
― First up: extending opening hours!
Monku wo iuna
― Quit whining!
Uchi niha nighter eigyou dekiru youna setsubi ga nee kara dekite seizei nichibotsu made ja neeka
― The park isn't equipped to handle guests at night, so up until sunset is the best you can hope for.
Nighter setsubi no keikaku ni torikakaru
― we'll install proper lighting,
It's a Japanese-English word.
Futatsume teikyuubi no zenpai da
― Second: canceling weekly holiday!
Datte hanakin dashi
― TGIF and all that, dude.
The slang is short for 花の金曜日(hana no kinyoubi: flowery Friday).
Dakara koso no kasegidoki darou ga
― That's exactly when you're supposed to be raking it in!
稼ぎ時: the time [season] when a shop [business] makes the most money
Keiri no tachiba kara iwasete morauto hantai desu
― Speaking from an accounting standpoint, I'm against this.
Manseiteki ni akaji de aru tou park ni sonna yoyuu ha arimasen
― This park can't afford it, given its chronic losses.
Rainen kono park ha sanjusshuunen darou dana
― This park celebrates its 30th anniversary next year, right?
Hanayamata Episode 8
Tochu hyakkaten nijusshuunen matsuri
― Tochu Department Store 20th Anniversary Festival
Ima ha akaji yori douinsuu da
― Visitor count is more important than profitability right now!
Ima ha shudan wo eranderu baai ja nai level ron
― This is no time to be picky.
SPACE DANDY Episode 25 (unposted)
Hikokunin ha kinsen wo te ni suru tameni shudan wo erabanai to
― The defendant will do anything to obtain money.
Wabi irero pachimon kusai no
― Apologize, you rip-off!
Monpe kitaa
― "Soccer mom spotted, hashtag 'happening'!"
モンペ is an abbreviation of モンスターペアレント(monster parent).
The term refers to mothers and fathers who complain loudly to school administrators about the treatment their children receive in school.
Mata enjou shichauyo
― You're gonna start another flame war!
Okyaku-sama ha kami-sama fumo
― The customer is king.
― The customer is God.
The value of "customer is God" takes root in Japanese society.
Joutou ja
― Let's rock!
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 1
Daitai sono kenka joutou mitaina taido ha nani
― And what's with the "bring it" pose?
Mama ano kigurumi tadamono ja naiyo
― Mom, that mascot packs a mean punch!
只者: ordinary person
Boku wo pachimon to nonoshitta ningen no matsuro sono mi wo motte tokuto omoishiru ga ii fumo
― You're about to experience what happens to people who call me a rip-off.
末路: one's last days, the end
Kakugo suru fumo Okyaku-sama
― Clench your teeth, ma'am!
Barakamon Episode 8 (unposted)
Korekara mo honki de iku kara hakugo shitoke
― I'll be serious again, so be prepared!
Kyaku ni bouryoku toka gongodoudan da
― How could you lay a hand on our guests? Are you out of your mind?!
The four-character idiom means unspeakable, outrageous, or inexcusable.
Tsugi ni mondai wo okoshitara soku kubi da
― The next time you cause a ruckus, you'll be summarily dismissed.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 2
Sakarau nara ima sugu kubi da
― Anyone who disobeys me will be fired!
Yatsu ha yoban-dasha da
― He's our cleanup hitter.
Deha sassoku hitohada nuide moraou
― I'll take you up on that, then.
Masaka hontoni hitohada nugu toha omowanakattawa
― I didn't think he'd take me quite so literally.
[Reshown, see Himegoto Episode 13]
一肌脱ぐ(hitohada nugu): give a helping hand in earnest
It literally means to "shed a skin", but originally describes "taking off only one sleeve of the kimono."

Just like this image.
Mizugi chotto kiwadoi desune
― These swimsuits are a bit risqué.
Motto hogaraka ni
― Look cheery!
Kono Toriken omowazu maekagami desu
― I'll have to hunch over for a while after seeing this!
Mokuromi doori dana
― Just as planned, then.
もくろみ: plan, scheme, design
Death Note
Keikaku doori
― Just as planned.
Gehinna senden fumo
― Cease this vulgar advertising!
Mata kono pattern
― The déjá vu...
Karada ga yowai
― She's frail?
Omae ha soko ni tsukekonda fumo
― And you took advantage―
Kore ijou no rouzeki ha himedenka wo kanashimaseru koto ni naru wayo
― Her Highness would be distraught to see up arguing about her.
狼藉: disorder
Sankagetsu de sayonara suru ningen ni oshieru giri ha nai fumo
― I don't see why I need to explain it to some one who's leaving in three months.
Kuuchuu-teien ni hodokosareteiru kekkai wo deru koto ha amari yoroshiku naino
― it's not good for Her Highness to leave the magic field that's set up around the hanging garden.
Amari tagon suru youna mono demo naino
― They shouldn't exactly be spread around, either.
他言する: tell others, let (a secret) out
Toukousha no namae wo yoku miro
― Take a close look at the uploader's name!
Oretachi no henshuu ga nakereba warumono ni natteita noha kisama no hou da
― If it weren't for our editing, you would have been the villain in this charade!
sennin yori senichinin wo yobu tame da
― Because 1,001 guests is better than 1,000.
Moffle shusai no kekkikai
― "A Moffle-hosted, morale-boosting party."
Imadoki nommunication nante hayaranai mi
― Bonding over drinks is old hat now.
The word of recent coinage: 飲む(nomu: drink) + コミュニケーション(communication)
Shikashi Moffle igaito jinbou nai ron
― But man, Moffle's surprisingly unpopular.
Omake ni shisukon to kita
― Plus, he's got a thing for his sister!
It's short for sister complex.
GLASSLIP Episode 6
Nante iuto mazakon nano kana
― I suppose that makes me a mama's boy.
Mei wo shinpai suru noha atarimae da fumo
― Who wouldn't care for their niece?
⇔ 甥(oi): nephew
Isuzu-chan onna no ko ha oshitoyaka ni mi
― Isuzu-chan, you could stand to be more ladylike.
Anata no josei-zou nado shitta koto deha naiwa
― I couldn't care less about your expectations for women.
女性像: female image
{Comparison with the last time}
→ |
Ano norigokochi saiaku no gondola no tokoro ka
― That thing with the most uncomfortable gondola ever?
乗り心地: ride quality
Tiramie ga naimitsu de josei guest gentei de yatteru uwasa ga aruno
― Rumor has it Tiramie's been offering a ladies-only service in secret.
Tiramie's profile sux.
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