The impression is that there are many crude jokes and parodies.
Deep Deep Night
Deha kore kara shinya hanbai wo kaishi shimasu
― All right, we're starting the late night sale.
Net de ha kousatsu saretsukushi hihan no arashi ni taenuite sakusha ga chi no namida wo nagashi chihedo wo hakinagara
― The author cried blood, sweat and tear into this weathering the storm of speculations and criticism online,
血の涙: bloody tears
血反吐: bloddy vomit
san-nen kakete youyaku kaita tamashii no sakuhin nandesuyo
― and finally after three years, this is the work of their soul!
Shinja ka
― Is he a zealot?
⇔ アンチ(anchi: anti)
Tsugi no retsu no kata kochira he douzo
― I can take the next customer here.
Tsurisen kiremashita
― I'm out of change!
Yon-ban reji kaiten osoiyo
― Register four, you're late!
回転: turnover
Kimi no koto wo mimamoru kurai no koto ha kono boku ni datte dekiru tsumori da
― I'm sure I can at least watch over you.
Quoted from "Mobile Suit Gundam."
Mimamotteru dake ja naku te wo ugokashite kudasai
― Don't just watch over us, move your hands!
Kyaku ga mattaku togirenai Watashi chou oote
― The customers, they wouldn't stop. I'm a total big-shot.
That means she couldn't sell out at ComiCa in the last episode.
Sono tame ni tairyoku onzon shitetan desuka
― Is that why you were saving your energy?
温存する(onzon suru): keep, preserve, retain
Drink bar de kanpai
― Drink bar, cheers!
It's a Japanese-English word meaning "self-service free refill."
Sore ni shitemo Sensei-chan famiresu suki dane
― You really like family restaurants, Sensei-chan.
This is also a Japanese-English word, which means "diner" or "casual restaurant."
Drink bar de kekkou nebareru shi ne
― And you can hang out at the drink bar for pretty long.
Un kekkou sagyou hakadorun dayo
― Yeah, I can be pretty productive.
Yoshi konya ha nekasanai
― All right, you're not sleeping tonight.
The origin is from "Sora no Manimani."
Konya mo nekasanai zo
― I won't let you rest tonight either.
Sashiire motte kimashitayo
― We brought some snacks.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 6
Kyou ha Nozaki-kun ni sashiire ga arunda
― I brought you a gift today, Nozaki-kun!
Ima made no itazura no shikaeshi chance
― I can finally get him back for all his pranks.
Umio-kun anata ha watashi no risou no... risou no zombie nano
― Umio-kun, you're my perfect― My perfect zombie.
理想の: ideal
Machi ga zombie de umetsukusareru souzou bakari shitete
― All I ever do is think about the town being filled with zombies.
Taishohou wo image training shiteru no
― I've been image training for how to respond.
Sore de Fu Girl
― That's why you're Fu Girl!
腐: rotten, spoiled
腐女子(fujoshi) generally refers to a BL fangirl.
Also a BL fanboy is called 腐男子(fudanshi)
Umio-kun ha nakama wo tasukete osowarete zombie ni nari saigo ha nakama ni korosareru shinyuu-position no kao shiteru
― You have the face of the best friend guy who helps his friends and becomes a zombie and gets killed by his friends in the end.
Romero no Zombie no Roger teki na
― Like Roger from Romero's Dawn of the Dead.
The movie released in Italy in 1978.
Best Sellers Rank: 6,996
Best Sellers Rank: 6,996
Tai zombie sen no renshuudai ni natte
― will you be my practice target for the zombie attack?
Fuga-chan ga beast mode ni
― Fuga-chan's gone beast mode.
From "Rebuild of Evangelion."
Denki-gai ha moeteiruka
― Is the Denki-gai pumped?
"Is Paris Burning?" translates to "パリは燃えているか(Pari ha moeteiruka)" in Japanese.
Denki-gai dai zansho mimai taikai da nante
― Denki-gai late-summer greetings festival?
A summer greeting card is called 暑中見舞い(shochuu mimai) or 残暑見舞い(zansho mimai).
The former is sent before the first day of autumn, 立秋(risshuu: August 8), and the latter is sent after 立秋.
Yuushou shoukin no juumanen wo nanto shitemo get shite uchiage shitai tte itte mashita
― She says she wants to win the 10,000 yen prize money and party.
Dare to nyan-nyan shitetanda kono bitch me ga
― Who were you nyan-nyan-ing with, you bitches!
A slang ニャンニャンする means to flirt.
Theories about the origin:
- the meow sound of cats
- 何々する(Nan nan suru: do something) turned to it
Shikikan wo gurou suru ka
― How dare you insult the commander!
Hanashikakerareta toki igai ha kuchi wo hirakuna
― Speak only when you're spoken to!
A golden saying by Gny. Sgt. Hartman in Full Metal Jacket.
Hanashikakerareta toki igai ha kuchiwo hirakuna kuchi de kuso tareru mae to ato ni Sir to ie
― From now on, you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be "Sir!"
Warner Home Video (2007-05-15)
Best Sellers Rank: 2,973
Best Sellers Rank: 2,973
Kiai ireru tame ni kuchou kaeterun datte
― She says she's changing her tone to get in the mood.
Are ha Denki-gai no koushiki chara SSDko-chan
― That's the Denki-gai official character, SSDko-chan!
solid state drive
Denki-gai meibutsu manatsu ni atsuatsu oden no kanzume ichinenbun cilico
― A year's supply of Denki-gai specialty hot summer oden!
Oden (おでん) is a Japanese winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon, konjac, and processed fishcakes stewed in a light, soy-flavoured dashi broth. Ingredients vary according to region and between each household. Karashi is often used as a condiment.Akihabara is also famous for canned oden available from vending machines.
Oden is often sold from food carts, and most Japanese convenience stores have simmering oden pots in winter. Many different kinds of oden are sold, with single-ingredient varieties as cheap as 100 yen. (

Maketara choubatsu mono dazo
― I'm punishing you if you lose!
Pantsu kui kyousou
― Pantsu race!
パン食い競争(pan kui kyousou: bread-eating race) is a race held in athletic meets.
They have to eat a bun off a high bar without using their hands.
Kiniitta Ie ni kite otouto wo nadekurimawashite ii zo
― I approve! You can come to my house and pet my brother.
Chouchi ni noriyagatte
― Cocky little ...
Tsugi ha joshi gentei kyougi kin no tama-korogashi decon
― And now, the girls-only Golden Ball Roll!
金玉(kintama) refers to balls.
Giepi- Nande konna kyougi bakkari nandesuka
― Gieppi! Why are all the games like this?
It's cry of Clefairy appearing in Pokemon comic by 穴久保幸作(Anagubo Kousaku).
Tama wo korogasu no tokui daro
― We're good at rolling balls, aren't we?
Hidarite ha soeru dake
― Your left hand just touches it.
Quoted from "SLAM DUNK."
Shikamo chotto nurui
― And it's lukewarm!
Onna no ko no tadotadoshii tetsuki ni souzou ga fukuramu cilico
― The girls' hesitant touch grips the imagination!
Nande bimyou ni daen nano yo
― why is it slightly egg-shaped?
Futatsu no kin no tama ga tamatama butsukariatte shimatta
― Our two balls touched. I lost balance.
たまたま: incidentally; balls
Tamatama da tamatama
― Balance. Ballance. Yes, ballance.
Tama ni tama ga atatta dake
― My ball hit your ball.
Mou oyome ni ikenai
― I can't marry anymore.
It's a set phrase.
Tsugi no kyougi ha yome-hakobi kyousou cilico
― Up next is the Wife-Carrying Raceilicon!
Boku no yome ha Onomi-chan desu
― My wife is Onomi-chan!
That means Mai Waifu.
Yome he no ai ha yuragi ha shinai
― My love for my wife will never falter!
Kimezerifu kita cilico
― And his big speech!
Chara ga atarashii tame mada rittaibutsu ga shihan saretenai rare mono cilico
― That's a rare one; there are no 3D goods on sale for this brand-new characterilicon!
Umio-senshu shikkaku cilico
― Umio is disqualicon!
Hoka no chara ni kokoro ga yuragu nado nantaru uwakishou
― How unfaithful of you to be attracted to another character.
浮気性: flirtable
Kuuru wo matagu tabi ni kako no yome wo sute atarashii yome wo mukaeru no ga shin no otoko
― A true man calmly abandons his prior wife to welcome his new one.
クール is a slang used in Japanese broadcasting scene, which means quarter.
There are two theories that the word comes from
- the German word "kur" meaning cure
- the French word "cour" meaning course
Yome ha itsumo hirori
― He only ever has but one wife.
Figure wo hito to omowanai ano koudou yurusan
― How dare he treat model figures as anything less than human!
Tsugi ha dantai kyougi tsuna-hiki cilico
― Up next is a team game: Tunaf-war!
Tsuna-hiki ha gonin
― we need five for tug-of-war.
Hio-tan to Umio ha saiki-funou
― Hio-tan and Umio are incapacitated.
Nugu no ha tokui daro kono bitch
― You're good at undressing, are't you, you bitch?!
The word has a sexual meaning in Japanese.
Kore ha hobo gokaku no tatakai cilico
― They're almost evenly matchilicon!
Lens gata cup
― Lens-shaped cup
24-105mm Travel Coffee Mug / Cup / Thermos with Drinking Lid & Quality Stainless Steel Interior
posted with amazlet at 14.10.10
Best Sellers Rank: 517
Best Sellers Rank: 517
Minna no idol SDko-chan dayo
― It's your idol, SDko-chan.
Saigo no kyougi ha nouryou dai uchimizu taikai XC
― Finally, we have the refreshing War FiXC!
納涼: cooling down from the heat by using the five senses
打ち水: water sprinkling
It's an old Japanese custom of watering gardens or streets.
Oyakusoku da
― Typical!
Tama wo dokoka ni otoshitaka
― Did you leave your balls somewhere?
Sore jaa mokkori suru ja nai desuka
― It's too bulgy!
Sore wo ittara onna no ko no mune datte mokkori shiteru daro
― Isn't that the same for girl's breasts, too?
Mune mo kokan mo sei no symbol da
― Breasts and crotches are both symbols of sex.
Douhou ga yarareta
― My comrades are down.
Shikashi senjou de ha nageiteiru hima ha nai zo
― But there's no time to grieve on the battlefield.
Nanja korya
― What the hell?!
This is a parody of the famous scene in the drama "太陽にほえろ(taiyou ni hoero)."
Umio-kun hone ha hirotte yaru zo Kaeri toka ni
― Umio-kun, I'll take your bones! On the way home or something.
Mattaku shoukasen ha saikou daze
― Damn, fire hydrants are the best.
From lolicon anime "Ro-Kyu-Bu!"
Mattaku shougakusei ha saikou daze
― Indeed, primary school students are great!
Mata gattai shiyokka
― Let's combine again.
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