I don't remember one of their names...
Toshobu kessei
― Formation of tha Library Club
Mushi no shirase teido no mono datta kedo
― I'd just get a sense of foreboding,
Literally: bug's news, message delivered by a bug
Actual meaning: to feel like something bad is going to happen, to have a premonition, a hunch, a sense of foreboding
虫(worm rather than bug/insect) was believed to live in the human body and have various influences on their consciousness and emotion.
The following idioms were also derived from such a thought.
・虫がいい(mushi ga ii): selfish, self-seeking
・虫の居所が悪い(mushi no idokoro ga warui): be in a bad mood
Zendai-mimon no dassen jiko
― It was an unprecendented derailing accident.
A four-character idiom.
Sawara no saikyou-zuke teishoku
― I'll have the set with Japanese Spanish mackerel pickled in sweet Kyoto-style miso.

鱈(tara: cod) in this picture.
Futsutsuka-mono desuga yoroshiku onegai shimasu
― I may be inexperienced, but I look forward to serving you!
This line is a set phrase to express modesty.
ふつつか者: an inexperienced(incompetent) person
Sou yatte yasashii taido bakari toru no ha ohitoyoshi sugiru zo
― If you keep acting that nice, she's going to get the wrong idea, you know.
お人好し: good-naturedness, a good-natured person, a credulous person
Tatakiage no tosho buin wo namerunayo
― Don't underestimate a self-made library club member!
叩き上げる: work one's way up
Ore no otoko ni te wo dasu to ha ii dokyou da
― You have some nerve laying a finger on my man!
Aite ni totte fusoku nashi
― All I could ask for in an oppenent!
I hear it as a set phrase, too.
Kekkyoku bakappuru no yagai-play tte koto de sono ba ha osamatta
― In the end, things clamed down with people thinking it was an idiot couple's exhibitionism.
Watashi suggoi hikkomijian na seikaku de
― I have a really introverted personality,
引っ込み思案: shy, retiring, unadventurous
Yokoyari wo ireru nara mou sukoshi junbi wo shite hoshii wa
― If you are going to interpose, I hope you'll do so after you're more prepared.
Literally: to insert a spear from the side
Actual meaning: to interrupt, interfere
Toshobu tte yuurei-buin shika inai tte omotteta kedo
― I thought the library club only had members who never actually came,
Literally means "phantom member of a school club."
・幽霊会社(yuurei-gaisha): a bogus/dummy/paper company
― Public humiliation fetish?
~プレイ: sexual playing, fetich, -philia, -lagnia, -ism
・羞恥プレイ(shuuchi-play): humiliation fetish
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