Minna de Otsukimi wo Shita
― We looked at the Moon Together
Tsukimi (月見) or Otsukimi (お月見), literally moon-viewing, also known as Jugoya (十五夜), refers to Japanese festivals honoring the autumn moon, a version of the Mid-Autumn Festival. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukimi)
Ima sonna tension ja naindakedo na
― I'm not in the mood right now, though...
Demo Yukichi-san no hou ga motto suki
― I'd like Yukichi-san even more, though.
Fukuzawa appears on the current 10,000-yen banknote and has been compared to Benjamin Franklin in the United States. Franklin appears on the similarly-valued $100 bill. Although all other figures appearing on Japanese banknotes changed when the recent redesign was released, Fukuzawa remained on the 10,000-yen note. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukuzawa_Yukichi)
Mongen madeni wa kaette kinasai
― Be back home by curfew.
Hitogiki no warui koto iwanaide kudasai
― Hey, don't make me sound bad.
Himegoto Episode 11
Hitogiki no warui koto wo iuna
― Don't say stuff that makes me sound bad!
Uchi medetai no tai toritain
― I want to catch a medetai.
Tai (鯛), red sea-bream. Tai is associated with the Japanese word medetai, symbolizing an auspicious event. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osechi)●ここは池だから鯛は無理かな。
Koko wa ike dakara tai wa muri kana
― This is a lake. I don't think it has sea bream.
Ren-chon wa tamani joushiki nuketeru toki aru na
― You say the most outlandish things sometimes, Ren-chon.
Demo kai toreba "me ga dekai" tte imi ni narunna
― But if I find a shell, would that be "megadekai?"
"目がでかい" literally means "eyes are big."
Mukou wa awase toka zenzen wakattenai na
― They have no idea how to get the timing right.
A fishing term.
Kono ike no nushi toka kamo
― It might be... the boss of the lake...
Mayday? Mayday tte koto nanna
― Mayday? Is this mayday?!
Since much of the traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the word "Mayday" from the French "m’aider" (Translates to: "help me!"). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayday)
Sou ohigan no ohaka-mairi de ne
― Yeah, to visit family graves for Ohigan.
Ohigan (お彼岸) is a Buddhist holiday exclusively celebrated in Japan during both the Spring and Autumnal Equinox. It is observed by nearly every Buddhist sect in Japan.
Similar to Obon, Japanese people will often return to their hometowns during the holiday season to pay respects to their ancestors. Ohigan is a public holiday, thus many businesses are closed. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higan)
Sushi Jaa Neenee wa battera de
― Sushi? I'll have pressed mackerel.
The name is derived from the Portuguese word "bateira" meaning a boat.

Oo sore nara nidai ni purabako tsunderu yo
― Oh, in that case, there's a stack of plastic bins in back.
Tamoami wa naino
― You don't have a fishing net?
Kaa-chan mitemite Koi tottekita
― Mom, look! I caught a carp!
Kamisama Hajimemashita 2 Episode 5
Koi ni esayari de mizu ni nagashite itadakeru to ha
― Chaging you to feed the carp and calling it water under the bridge...
Hikarimono Oyakata
― Hikarimono Boss!
It means sumo stablemaster.
Jaa masu sono bosabosa no kami no ke tokasou ka
― Okay, first, let's tame the messy hair.
Joshiryoku wa kami ni yadorundayo
― Feminine charm starts with the hair.
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 4
Watash no joshiryoku hikusugi
― My girl power is too damn low!
Datsuijo ni aru yo
― In the changing room.
Himegoto Episode 12
Hontou ni koko kara joshi kouishitsu ga
― Can you really see into the girl's changing room from here?
Mudani kasanegi dashi
― And I don't need all these layers.
Uchi ga shougakusei no toki no oagari ageru kara kigen naoshinayo
― I'll give you my hand-me-downs from elementary school, so cheer up.
It literally means hand-me-ups.
Non Non Biyori Repeat Episode 1
Watashi no toki wa oneechan no osagari datta noni naa
― I had to use your hand-me-down backpack when I started school.
Uchi wa homerarete nobiru ko
― I improve through praise.
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! Episode 3
Homete nobasu houshin de ne
― My policy is to praise students to help them grow.
Agura kakanaino Seiza dayo seiza
― Don't sit cross-legged. Sit on your knees.
Assassination Classroom Episode 17
Hito ni yotte wa tatehiza yori agura de utsu no ga muiteiru
― Some prefer to shoot cross-legged rather than with one knee up.
― The sumo crouch?
She uses an unfamiliar word.
It seems that this is linked with the above mentioned 親方.
Watashi wa futsuuni onnanoko-zuwari ga ooi kedo
― I usually just sit like a girl.
Sitting between feet with knees bent.
Okay! Shashin donto koooi
― Okay! Bring on the picture!
Non Non Biyori Repeat Episode 3
Donto koi
― Bring it on!
Tokuni Ren-chon hashaidetan desu kedo
― Ren-chon was especially hyped up.
Hanayamata Episode 9
Sousou are dake hashaidoki nagara honban ja gachigachi ni natteru yatsu mo ita shi ne
― Yeah, one of us was all pumped up, But got scared stiff when it came to the actual performance.
Jaa kono otankonasu
― Okay, you egghead, then!
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! Episode 10
Oniichan no baka Bokenasu Hachiman
― You dumbass! Nitwit! Hachiman!
Though it is conveniently translated into egghead, the word なす (nasu: eggplant) is used to call a person names.
Nasu baka ni sunna Aki-nasu oishii deshouga
― Don't make fun of eggs! They're delicious!
秋茄子: autumn eggplant
Doko no sekai ni anko no tsumatta satoimo ga arundayo aho
― On what planet are there sweet potatoes stuffed with red bean jam, you moron?!
Technically it means taro.
Minna no tension sagetekuru
― I'm gonna go kill their good moods.
Wakannai kana Kono downer jouhou kodashi kodashi no ikari no parashuuto
― Don't you know how to parachute anger by feeding depressing info in small amounts?!
Tenki yohou de kyou wa zekkou no otsukimi biyori tte ittetashi
― The forecast said today would be perfect moon-viewing weather.
When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 10
Zekkou no pool biyori dayo
― A perfect day for the pool!
Are tte tashika housaku iwau tame ni ine wo kazattetan desho
― Didn't people decorate with rice plants to celebrate a good harvest?
Ine torenai tokoro wa kawarini susuki kazatteta dake de
― They just used silver grass when they couldn't get rice plants.
I didn't know that! Good to know.
Tada no nori ni nacchatta
― It just turned into paste.
糊: glue
The glue made from rice was once used in Japan.
Sugu kaette kisou dakara genkan de dogeza taiki shite okou
― They'll be back soon, so let's wait by the door on our hands and knees.
Nasake wa iranai
― No need for compassion.
Uchi no heya de koura-boshi shiyou ze
― Let's go bask in the sun in my room!
Dagashiya to Konomi-nee ga okome de goheimochi tsukutte kureru tte
― Candy Store and Konomi-nee are making gohei mochi for us!
A local dish handed down in the southern part of Chūbu region.
Masani meigetsu tte kanji dana
― It really feels like a harvest moon.
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