but it is so natural and worthy of being studied.
Hakushon Daimaou no Karaoke Lecture
― Bob's Karaoke Lecture
cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Genie_Family
Nanka kyoku demo ireruka
― I guess I'll queue up some songs.
Aa yappa boku kara utawanaito kana otokonoko dashi na
― Shucks, I suppose I gotta sing first, being the guy and all.
Yobarete tobidete jajajajan
― You sneeze, I please, that's the way it goes.
The Rolling Girls Episode 1
Yobarete tobideta yatoware souchou nani ha tomoare
― You're a leader-for-hire, always at someone's beck and call--
kono ue nai shiawase
― is a happiness beyond compare.
Iya demo boku uta nigate dakara sa Onchi dashi
― Yeah, but I suck at singing. I'm tone-deaf.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 10
Aa sou dayo! Watashi ha onchi desu yo!
― Yeah, that's right! I'm tone deaf!
Sunka wo oshinde
― We don't have a moment to waste.
寸暇を惜しむ (sunka wo oshimu): not waste a minute
Fukkin mitai na koto
― Like doing sit-ups for abs?
Hanayamata Episode 8
Mou one-set fukkin to udetatefuse yarou kana
― I think I'll do another set of push-ups and sit-ups.
Issei ichidai no ooshoubu
― It's the battle of a lifetime.
Tokidoki akushu wo irerunda
― Throw in a handshake every now and then.
Rhythm ni notte
― Stay on the beat.
Omotta ijou no shiagari ni natta
― I trained you so much better than I thought I could.
仕上がり: finish, end, completion
Kan-chan wa itsumo potential ni michiteruyo
― You're always full of potential, Joey-chan.
Kanousei no katamari dayo
― You're a walking mass of possibilities.
Kamisama Hajimemashita 2 Episode 2
Monosugoi akui no katamari da
― They're a fearsome mass of hostility.
Seki de modorenno
― Coughing sends you back, too?
Isshun kushami ka to omotta
― I thought you sneezed for a second.
― Good Buy Shopping
MC 反野内 郷
Koyoi mo sutekina shouhin wo oneuchi kakaku de mina-sama ni ne teikyou sashite itadakitaito omoimasu
― As always, I'd like to showcase some fantastic products for remarkable prices.
Umi no Toriton-san desu
― Triton of the Sea.
cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triton_of_the_Sea
This work is so old that I don't know well.
Yancha na kata desu ne
― You're a mischievous one, aren't you?
Kyou wa kopiiki desuka
― We sellin' photocopiers today?
Namahousou de ookuriitashite orimasuga
― We bring this to you live.
― You're playing along, huh?
Konkai nanto copy fax nandemo dekiru sougou fukugouki
― Today, we have a copy/fax/everything all-in-one machine:
Kore wa nandesuka wakame toka mo ippai youshoku dekirundesuka
― Wait, so... can I grow seaweed in it, too?
Kaisou ga ippai notta zukan nankamo ne sono ba de copy dekirunde ne
― Field guides with pictures of seaweed, sure... you could copy them.
Karaage toka mo agetari toka dekimasuka
― How about deep frying?
Jibun dake no karaage booklet wo tsukuru koto nanka mo ne dekimasunde ne
― A handy booklet on deep frying just for yourself.
Kamera ni oshiro wo muketeshimau hodo chotto Toriton-san mo kyoumi-tsutsu to iu koto de
― Triton-san's so fascinated with it that he even shows his back to the camera.
Generally it is read "kyoumi-shinshin."
Toriton-san mo kyou chotto zekkouchou desu ne
― You're on a roll today, Triton-san.
Dono iro no oheya donna kuukan nimo match suru kono gray
― It'll match any color scheme! Gray!
Sumou torou
― Let's sumo wrestle it!
Otakain ja naidesuka tte boku ga iundesuka
― I have to say "it must be expensive"?
Shikamo souryou tesuuryou wa Good Buy Shopping ga futan sashite itadakimasu yo
― And that's not all! Shipping and handling costs are covered by Good Buy Shopping.
Saigo made yancha na kata dato iu k
― Rambunctious as ever!
Boyacky no Heya
― Boyacky's Room
A parody of the TV program "徹子の部屋 (Tetsuko no Heya: Tetsuko's Room)."
cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetsuko_Kuroyanagi#Career
Hair ja naidesu yo heya desu yo
― Not Rome. Room.
Hatsu-shutsuen kana
― This is your first time here, isn't it?
Kagaku wo koetemasu yo
― He's a notch above science.
Senshuu ne kite itadaitano wa ne kagaku no ko dattandesu keredomo
― Our guest last week was a science kid,
He means Astro Boy.
This phrase is seen in a theme song.
Sutekina omeshimono desu ne
― I like your outfit.
Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic Episode 11
Sekkaku no omeshimono ga
― Your clothes...
Koko saikin ne Tink dake ni Karatsu Kunchi ni dekakeraretato iu koto de
― So Tink, I heard that you went to Karatsu Kunchi recently, pun intended.
Karatsu Kunchi (唐津くんち; the suffix "kunchi" simply meaning festival) is a Japanese festival that takes place annually in the city of Karatsu, Saga Prefecture, on Japan's island of Kyūshū. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsu_Kunchi)
Shikamo sono ato ni fruutsu ponchi wo meshiagararetato
― And I heard you had fruit punch afterwards.
Shokurepo-fuu ni yattemoraitai na
― Could you demonstrate for us?
食レポ: food reportage on TV
Kororo no kibi tte iuno kana
― Your... inner feelings, for lack of a better word.
Your lie in April Episode 16
Tsubaki ni soudan shita tte onna no ko no kibi ha wakaranai daro
― Even if I told you, Tsubaki, it's not like you're an expert on the subtleties of girls.
Midorino sekaino daisangen ya
― The Three Great Scholars of the world of green!
A hand in mahjong.
バカップル グアムへ行く 入国審査編
Bakappuru Guam e Iku Nyuukoku Shinsa hen
― Dumb Couple Goes to Guam: Immigration
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Episode 1
Kekkyoku bakappuru no yagai-play tte koto de sono ba ha osamatta
― In the end, things clamed down with people thinking it was an idiot couple's exhibitionism.
Nanka noumiso made sa aoku narisou dayo ne
― Doesn't it feel like your brain's turning blue, too?
Your lie in April Episode 19
Noumiso kinniku ga
― What, Miss Muscles-for-brains?
Nanka asoko no nyuukoku shinsa wo toppa shinakya ikenai
― We have to get through immigration over there.
Ninja Slayer Episode 6
Kyouryoku muhi na toppa kougeki jinkei de aru
― It is a mighty, unstoppable attack formation for breaking through.
Ue kara tottekurenai kara yada
― No, they didn't let me take a selfie angle.
Ima wa nanka marumaru yukidaruma no ka
― Are you telling me I'm a pudgy snowman right now?!
Hito no kao takoyaki dato omotte
― You think I'm a takoyaki.
Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼) is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus (tako), tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takoyaki)

Maru wa seigi
― Circles are justice.
Sente hisshou tte iu mon ne
― Strike first, as they say.
Zen wa isoge
― Make hay while the sun shines.
Girl Friend BETA Episode 7
Sore deha zen ha isoge desu
― Well then, the sooner, the better.
Iya nishitemo "medicine store" toka kiita koto nai mon "drug store" wa kiita koto aru kedo
― But I've never heard of a "medicine store." I've heard of a "drug sotre," though.
Watashi wa kaze da
― I have the flu.
― "I'm wind"?
私は風だ (Watashi wa kaze da)
Demo jaaku no ja dakara wind devil
― You also use the character for "evil." So "wind devil."
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