Imina Nigirite
― Bearing a Posthumous Name
I mistook Aragoto for Arigato for a moment.
Aragoto (荒事) literally means rough stuff.
Tegaki no chirashi toka muri
― I can't do handwritten fliers--
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 2
Bira made anno kayo
― There are even fliers?!
Kesa wa oseibo de itadaita jam wo aketemitano
― I opened that jam we received as a year-end gift.
Gourmet Girl Graffiti Episode 5
A ochuugen mo aru no yo ne
― Oh, and the Lantern Festival gifts!
Chuukou ikkan de tasukattayo
― Thank god this is a unified school district!
Assassination Classroom Episode 16
Chuukou ikkan no shingakkou de wa chuusan kara koukou no benkyou wo naraihajimeru koto wa mezurashiku nai
― At a combined juior-senior high prep school, it's not unusual for junior-high students to start learning at a high-school level in year 3.
Ichiyazuke de tsumekondara kanjin no test chuu ni neochi shitari toka na
― Like people who cram all night, only to fall asleep during the test!
Omutsu-gae nanka dekinnokayo
― You actually know how to change diapers?!
Oku no heya de bakusui shiteru
― Snoring it up in the other room.
Your lie in April Episode 2
Ichibante kara bakusui wa saitei yo
― It was beyond lame of you to snooze from the get-go.
Koko isshuukan manjiri tomo dekinakatta rashii
― She hans't slept a wink this whole past week.
○まんじりともしない (Manjiri tomo shinai)
Meaning: do not sleep a wink
― We have company!
Sono kokorogake taihen yoroshii
― Your concern is truly praiseworthy.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Episode 1
Sore wa shushou na kokorogake ne Sawamura-san
― That's a laudable sentiment, Sawamura-san.
Akanbou no nen wa ma wo maneki ayakashi wo yobikonda
― His longings brought vulnerability, which summoned a Phantom.
― Rend!
Tada yatsu no ashidori wo mou ichido arattemite kure
― But I need you to locate him again
Denpa Kyoushi Episode 3
Genzai Kagami sensei no ashidori wo tansaku chuu desu
― We are tracking Mr. Kagami down.
Kyou ore unajuu ne kimosui tsuki de
― I'll have grilled eel today, with eel liver soup!
Variations include unajū (鰻重, the same dish served in jūbako [重箱], food boxes often lacquered), nagayaki (長焼き, the eel and rice are served separately), and hitsumabushi (櫃まぶし). ( unaju is often served along with eel liver soup.

fujun isei kouyuu
― ...i-illicit sexual relation?!
Yatto onore no waki no amasa ni ki ga tsuitaka Hiyori
― Do you finally see how wet behind like ears you are, Hiyori?
Motteru dake de shoubai-hanjou moteun joushou unki wo ageru maseki de tsukutta kiseki no manekineko-sama da
― A miraculous lucky cat made of magic gemstone! Its beckoning powers can boost anyone's luck in business and romance into the stratosphere!
Ato kore maneiterunja nakute banzai pose no neko-chan desu
― And it's not beckoning. It's doing a "hurrah" pose.
Encouragement of Climb Season 2 Episode 9
Banzai banzai
― Hooray! Hooray!
Oteage tteka
― Talk about clueless.
お手上げ: throw up one's hands
Kuwabara kuwabara
― I thank my lucky start.
"Kuwabara kuwabara" (桑原桑原) is a phrase used in the Japanese language to ward off lightning. It is analogous to the English phrase "knock on wood" to prevent bad luck. (
Sukoshi yashiki no naka wo annai shita hou ga iina
― Perhaps we should show you around the manor a bit.
Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic Episode 5
Ippon no wara ga saigo ni wa oyashiki ni naru nante
― He started with a single talk of straw and ended up with a mansion.
Kore wa aruji no shukumei da
― This is my lot as a master.
Punchline Episode 10
Jinrui wo sukuu no ga watashi no shukumei dakara
― Saving humanity is the duty I've been given!
Mokuyoku no junbi ga totonoimashita
― I've readied your ritual bath.
Misogi desu
― An ablution ritual...
沐浴 ≒ 禊
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