Shingetsu no Luminarie
― The New Moon Luminarie
Shingetsu no Luminarie
― The New Moon Luminarie
― Read it vertically?
Noge-san tte kagyou wo tsuide honya-san ni nattan ja naindesu ne
― Noge, you didn't inherit your bookstore from your family, did you?
Natsume Yujin-cho Go Episode 3
Kono kagyou wo tsugu to kimeta toki kara kakugo wa shiteiru yo
― But when I decided to go into the family's line of work, I was ready for it.
Okuba nyuushi ga guragura shiteru
― You've got a loose baby molar.
乳歯: baby tooth
Punchline Episode 9
Nokori no kyuuhon wo zenbu ottara tsugi wa okuba da
― After I'm done breaking the other nine fingers, your molars are next.