― Doggy & Scramble
Genre de iuto space opera desu
― It falls into the space opera genre.
Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction that often emphasizes romantic, often melodramatic adventure, set mainly or entirely in outer space, usually involving conflict between opponents possessing advanced abilities, weapons, and other technology. The term has no relation to music but is instead a play on the term "soap opera". (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_opera)
Chi waki niku odoru daibouken katsugeki desu
― It's an action adventure story that makes the blood race and the flesh dance.
Anoo Kumamoto-jou tte nihongo shaberun desuka
― Uh, so the Kumamoto Castle can speak Japanese?
Kumamoto Castle (熊本城 Kumamoto-jō) is a hilltop Japanese castle located in Chūō-ku, Kumamoto in Kumamoto Prefecture. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumamoto_Castle)

Chikyuu hyoujungo no Esperantogo wo narattemasu
― he began learning the standard language, Esperanto.
Chinamini chingensai ha bishoujo desu
― Also, the bok choy is a really pretty girl.
Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa, subspecies pekinensis and chinensis) can refer to two distinct varieties of Chinese leaf vegetables often used in Chinese cuisine: Pekinensis (napa cabbage) and Chinensis (bok choi). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_cabbage)

Kono suichuu-megane no osaru-san ha nan desuka
― Who's this monkey wearing the goggles?
Sea monkey tte plankton ja nain desuka
― Aren't sea monkeys a type of plankton?
Sea-Monkeys is a brand name for brine shrimp—a group of crustaceans that undergo cryptobiosis—sold in hatching kits as novelty aquarium pets. Invented in 1957 by Harold von Braunhut, the product was heavily marketed, especially in comic books, and remains a presence in popular culture. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea-Monkeys)
Maa naru youni shika naranai kana
― Well, whatever happens, happens.
Himegoto Episode 9
Ma naru you ni naru ka
― Well, I guess whatever happens, happens.
Sousaku ha tsuneni bouken dearu. Shosen ha jinryoku wo tsukushita ato tenmei ni makaseru yori shikata nai to Akutagawa Ryuunosuke-san mo osshattemashita
― Writing is an adventure in exploration. Ryunosuke Akutagawa said that after you've done whatever you can, you can only rely on heaven for the rest.
from "侏儒の言葉 (Shuju no Kotoba: Aphorisms by a Pygmy)" by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Nani ukanai kao shiterun desu ka
― Why do you look so glum?
●何か気に障ることでも? / 気に掛かること、では?
Nanika ki ni sawaru koto demo / Ki ni kakaru koto deha
― Did something badly happen? / "Something bad," you mean?
気に障る: annoying, unpleasant
気に掛かる: concerned
Nannara watashi ga manga ni comicalize suru kara
― I can turn it into a manga for you!
The Japanese-English word combining "comic" and "-alize" means to turn a film, novel, etc. into a manga.
●私達、夏目さんが続きを書くように叩き付けに来ました。 / 焚き付けに、ですね。
Watashitachi Natsume-san ga tsuzuki wo kaku youni tatakitsukeni kimashita / Takitsukeni desune
― We came here to get you worked down to write the rest. / You mean "worked up."
叩き付ける(tatakitsukeru): slam, bang, whack
焚き付ける(takitsukeru): build a fire under
Demo kakanaito sokubaikai ni maniawanai
― But if I don't, it won't be ready in time for the expo.
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 8
Koko ha sokubaikai ja arimasenyo
― This isn't the exhibition.
Sou desune zensho shimasu
― Yeah, I'll do my best.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 4
Zensho shinasai
― Deal with it.
Sore deha zen ha isoge desu
― Well then, the sooner, the better.
Encouragement of Climb Season 2 Episode 6
Jaa zen ha isoge, ima kara fujisan noboru noni hitsuyouna dougu mini ikou
― Then let's hurry and see what we need.
Shimekiri ni maniawanakatta sakka ga henshuu kara nigeru no ha nichijou-sahanji dashine
― Authors who can't make their deadlines run away from their editiors all the time.
日常茶飯事: an everyday experience
Suru ga kannin iimasuyo
― It's important not to rush.
Naranu kannin suru ga kannin
― True patience lies in bearing the unbearable
Tsuyosoude tsuyokunai chotto tsuyoi yuusha-tachi
― The Heros Who Seem Strong But Aren't, Except Maybe a Little
Large-nose grey deshouka. Reptilian ja nai desuyone? Nordic tte wake demo nasasou dashi
― this seems like a large-nosed grey. Not a reptilian, right? Doesn't seem like a Nordic, either?
Cyborg to android tte chigauno
― Are androids and cyborgs different?
Although Karel Čapek's robots in R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (1921)—the play that introduced the word robot to the world—were organic artificial humans, the word "robot" has come to primarily refer to mechanical humans, animals, and other beings. The term "android" can mean either one of these, while a cyborg ("cybernetic organism" or "bionic man") would be a creature that is a combination of organic and mechanical parts. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(robot))
Kani pilaf to kani kamaboko gurai chigaimasu
― They're as different as crab pilaf and imitation crab.
Crab sticks (imitation crab meat, seafood sticks, krab) are a form of kamaboko, a processed seafood made of finely pulverized white fish flesh (surimi), shaped and cured to resemble leg meat of snow crab or Japanese spider crab. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_stick)
Sea Best
Best Sellers Rank: 59,220
Best Sellers Rank: 59,220
Ato sanyouchuu to oumugai mo
― Also, I know about trilobites and nautiluses, too.
Brine shrimp toka Artemia toka suisou de kau yatsu desuyone
― The brine shrimp, like Artemia, that you keep in aquariums, right?
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