Ai to iu Na no Moto ni
― In the Name of Love
Their names are derived from hot springs.
Aa ichiban-buro wa ii naa
― Ah, it's great being first in the bath.
一番風呂: taking a bath before anyone else
― Chikuwabu?
Chikuwabu (ちくわぶ) is a wheat-based Japanese food item that is frequently eaten as an ingredient in oden. Similar to the process used to make udon, dough is made by kneading flour with salt and water and it is them formed into a thick cylindrical shape with a hollow tube through its center and steamed. (
Chikuwa demo fu demo nai
― Not quite chikuwa, not quite fu.
Chikuwa (竹輪) is a Japanese tube-like food product made from ingredients such as fish surimi, salt, sugar, starch, monosodium glutamate and egg white. After mixing them well, they are wrapped around a bamboo or metal stick and steamed or broiled. The word chikuwa ("bamboo ring") comes from the shape when it is sliced. (
In Japanese cuisine, the traditional type of wheat gluten is called fu (麩, lit. "gluten"), originated from Jiangnan dialect for ed khaw-fu. In Japan, the two main types of fu are most widely used in Buddhist vegetarian cooking (Shojin ryori) and tea ceremony cuisine (cha-kaiseki 茶懐石). (
Chikuwabu is often confused with the fish-based chikuwa, as they are similar in shape and name and are both common ingredients in oden. However, unlike chikuwa, chikuwabu is rarely eaten on its own. (

L: Chikuwabu R: Chikuwa
Oden de shika sono sonzai wo minai
― He doesn't exist outside of oden.
Oden (おでん) is a Japanese winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon, konjac, and processed fishcakes stewed in a light, soy-flavoured dashi broth. Ingredients vary according to region and between each household.
Oden is often sold from food carts, and most Japanese convenience stores have simmering oden pots in winter. Many different kinds of oden are sold, with single-ingredient varieties as cheap as 100 yen. (
Surimi nerimono habatsu kara mo gluten habatsu kara mo toozakerarete sa
― He's excluded from both the paste products group and the wheat gluten group.
Surimi (Japanese: 擂り身, すり身, literally "ground meat") refers to a paste made from fish or other meat, as well as multiple Asian foods that use surimi as its primary ingredient. (
kamaboko, satsuma age, etc., comprise a class of food called nerimono, and are listed under surimi products. (
Kare no shinjou wo omou to yarusenai mono ga aru yona
― When I think about how he must feel, it's kind of depressing.
やるせない: downhearted, disconsolate
Nan dayo Chikuwabu-bu tte iinikui shi
― What? Chikuwabu-bu is too hard to say.
Chikuwabu ni yoru haken wo mokuromu no ga wabu-bu dayo
― It's the wabu-bu who plot to dominate via chikuwabu.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 3
Mokuromi doori dana
― Just as planned, then.
Daikon ni shita tte ganmo ni shita tte yatsura wa umami wo dasu koto ni yotte oden to iu sougou geijutsu ni kouken shiteiru wake dayo
― Daikon radish and tofu fritters contribute to the diversity that is oden by creating a savory flavor.
Ganmodoki (がんもどき, 雁擬き) is a fried tofu fritter made with vegetables, egg white and sesame seeds. Ganmodoki means pseudo-goose (gan (がん, 雁) + pseudo (もどき?)). This is because ganmodoki is said to taste like goose; compare mock turtle soup. Ganmodoki is also called ganmo for short. (総合芸術: composite art
Iya konnyaku wa mada juunan da
― No, konjac is at least flexible.
In Japanese cuisine, konjac (konnyaku) appears in dishes such as oden. It is typically mottled grey and firmer in consistency than most gelatins. It has very little taste; the common variety tastes vaguely like salt. It is valued more for its texture than flavor.
Ito konnyaku (糸蒟蒻) is a type of Japanese food consisting of konjac cut into noodle-like strips. It is usually sold in plastic bags with accompanying water. It is often used in sukiyaki and oden. The name literally means "thread-konjac". (
Umami wo okubukai tokoro made kyuushuu suru houyouryoku ga aru
― It's broad-minded enough to absorb that savoriness into its deepest parts.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 6
Kyonyuu no oneesan type de watashi niwa nai houyouryoku ya chou-dokyuu no seitaikenwo motteiru onna ni darashinaku kurakura shite
― You're fawning over an archetypical busty older lady who has a tolerant mind and high-grade sexual experience, unlike me.
Hyoumenjou wa dorodoro to geigou shite mise tustsu sinoubu de wa tasha wo kobami komugiko de aru waga mi no shutsuji wo hoji shiyou to siteiru
― It gives off the superficial appearance of melting and integrating itself while, deep down, it rejects others and
It's a mistranslation.
保持する(hoji suru): hold, keep, maintain
Sentou desu kedo nani ka
― A public bath... Why do you ask?
Sentō (銭湯) is a type of Japanese communal bath house where customers pay for entrance. Traditionally these bath houses have been quite utilitarian, with a tall barrier separating the sexes within one large room, a minimum of lined up faucets on both sides and a single large bath for the already washed bathers to sit in among others. (ō)
Karada wo seiketsu ni tamottari seishin wo yasumeru tame ni okane wo haratte tekion no yu ni hairu basho desu yo
― It's a place where you pay money to sit in heated water, to maintain bodily hygiene and relax the mind.
Mamoritai kono hoshi wo
― How I should like to protect this planet...
― A wombat!
Wombats are short-legged, muscular quadrupedal marsupials that are native to Australia and are approximately 1 metre (40 in) in length, with short, stubby tails. (
Kangaroo-moku Kangaroo-ka
― Diprotodontia Macropodiae!
Gouketsu dana aitsu
― That kid is something else.
豪傑: larger than life
Oden de iu to sashizume daikon tamago mochi-kinchaku ka
― In oden terms, they're daikon radish, egg, and mochi-stuffed tofu.
― Binan High School
美男 (binan): handsome man
Boku no namae wa Chiku Kazutake
― My name is Chiku Kazutake.
Seibutsu-bu ni shozoku suru mo jisshitsu yuurei buin
― I'm a member og the Biology Club, but I never actually attend.
Literally: phantom member of a school club
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Episode 1
Toshobu tte yuurei-buin shika inai tte omotteta kedo
― I thought the library club only had members who never actually came,
Boku wa utakaihajime sa
― I'm in the New Year's poetry reading!
歌会始: a new year's poetry party held at the Imperial Court of Japan
Aa teki na boo teki na
― Finally losing his marbles?
He's implying "アルツハイマー (Alzheimer)" and "呆け (boke: senility)."
Jijou ga ari hitome wo habakaranakereba narimasen node
― Circumstances demand that I draw attention away from myself,
人目をはばかる(hitome wo habakaru)
"Kekkou" to iu no wa "ii" to iu koto desuka
― Do you mean "pass" as in "approved"?
Hitomukashi mae no oshitsuke sagi desuka
― Is that some old con man trick?
Negative option is called 押し付け商法 (oshitsuke shouhou) or 送りつけ商法 (okuritsuke shouhou).
Zehi tomo chikyuu no bunka shuukan shinra-banshou ni tsuite goshinan itadakitai
― Please, teach me everything there is to know about Earth culture and customs!
森羅万象: all things in the universe
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 6
Kohina-sama igai no shinra-banshou wa kirai desu
― I hate everything other than Kohina-sama.
Ni ga omosugimasu
― Too much responsibility!
Kono kotai niwa yaya kidouryoku to taikyuusei ni nan ga ari
― this individual has some difficulties with mobility and endurance...
Kotoshi kiju dakke
― Wasn't he turning 77 this year?
Seventy-seven: The seventy-seventh birthday is the occasion of kiju 喜寿, "happy age", because the Chinese character 喜 written in cursive style looks like the characters for seventy-seven. (
Chikuwabu ni tsuite kousatsu shinai to ikenain desu
― I need to mediate on the matter of chikuwabu!
Kono yo ni sonzai shite inagara shite inai fukakujitsusei no shouchou no youna mono desu
― It's a thing that exists, yet does not exist! Like a symbol of uncertainty!
Nininbaori Kakuremino Onigiri kuu
― Using him as your hands? Going undercover? Want a rice ball?
Nininbaori (二人羽織り) is a Japanese comedic act where two people wear the same large coat (haori) and pretend to be one (hunchbacked) person. One person is the "face" and the other is the "arms". Humor arises from the arms never being coordinated with the face. (隠れ蓑
Literally: cloak that makes the wearer invisible
Meaning: cover, front
Watashi wo ano kyoui kara kakumatte itadakemasen ka
― would you mind saving me from that threat?
匿う(kakumau): harbor
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 5
Park ga kono tochi wo tsukawasete kurete kakumatte kureta
― but the park let us use this land and provided us with shelter.
Kare ni zouo ya gaii ga nai no wa wakaru nodesu ga honnou ga
― I realize that he presents no hatred or malice, but instincts dictate...
When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 6
Anata wa ningen-domo wo are hodo zouo shiteita dewa arimasenka
― Did you not once loathe mankind so?
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 6
Pro wrestler no honnou ja nai kashira
― Maybe wrestling comes instinctively to him.
Wombat wa osawari daisuki tte netto ni kaite atta zo
― I read on the net that wombats love rice balls!
お触り means "touch," so it's a mistranslation. On purpose?
Mofumofu shite yarou
― I wanna cuddle you!
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 2
Mofumofu de gozaru Punipuni de gozaru
― You're fluffy. They're squishy.
Aitsura hanashi kamiatte nakatta yona
― Those two really aren't on the same wavelength, are they?
When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 7
Futari tte itsu mitemo waracchau kurai kamiattenaidaro
― You two have always been such a poor fit, it's almost funny.
Junsui isei kouyuu-bu ni shiyou tte
― we should be the Innocent Co-Ed Mingle Club!
Koujo-ryouzoku ni hansuru
― That violates public decency!
Koukousei to shite no hinkaku ni kakeru
― It's lacking in high school student character!
品格: dignity
Isso no koto chikyuu bouei-bu ni shichaeba
― Why not just make it the Earth Defence Club?
― The aftermath?
Kureruno "Wombat no Ongaeshi"
― You're giving them to us? "The Wombat Returns"?
Tsuru no Ongaeshi (鶴の恩返し, lit. "crane's return of a favor") is a story from Japanese folklore about a crane who returns a favor to a man. (
Chotto kore furyouhin
― Are these defective?
Barakamon Episode 10
Oyaji-san kore furyouhin desho
― Pops, this has got to be defective!
Seizou moto ni renraku shite abukuzeni wo makiagemasu ka
― Should I contact the manufacturer and earn us a quick buck?
あぶく銭: unearned easy money
Omae igai to akuratsu danee
― You're surprisingly unscrupulous.
Kebukai kuse ni atama ii na wombat
― You're pretty smart for someone so fuzzy, Wombat.
Chinamini watashi wa chikyuu jou ni seisoku suru honyuurui no wombat dewa arimasen
― Incidentally, I am not one of your Earth mammals known as the wombat.
Iyaa chotto shubi hani gai ssu
― Nah, that's a little out of my range.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7
Maa kyoyou hani fumo
― W-Well, she passes. Barely.
許容範囲: tolerance level
Nanka netoneto shite sou ja nai desu ka
― Doesn't it look a little sticky?
Saa Battle Lovers ni Love Making desu
― Now, you must "Love Making" into the Battle Lovers!
Aisuru chikyuu wo kegasu mono yo
― You, who befoul our beloved Earth!
Kono koppazukashii serifu to poozu wa omae no kouseinou fushigi power dana
― Making us pose and say embarassing lines is part of your mysterious power, right?
Warera ai no oui keishousha
― We are the heirs to the throne of love!
SPACE DANDY Episode 24
Oui keishou ken wo te ni shite kara ano hito sukkari kawatte shimatte
― Once he became the successor to the throne, he changed completely.
王位継承権: right to the throne
Akiraka ni kimyou kiteretsu desu
― This is clearly beyond weird.
Jiishiki kajou dayona
― You seem overly self-conscious.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 8
Chotto jiishiki kajou dayona
― I'm being overly self-conscious, aren't I?
― No matter.
Kansai dialect for some reason.
Ouji wo doudou to nanoru shikaku ga aru ponte
― so you have the right to call yourselves princes.
Chikuwabu Kaijin gou wo niyashita yo
― The Chikuwabu Monster has lost his temper!
Dashi Dashi
― Broth? Broth?!
Daikon mo tamago mo chikuwa mo hanpen mo roll kyabetsu mo iranu
― No one needs daikon radish, egg, chikuwa, hanpen, or cabbage rolls!
Hanpen (半片) is a white, square, triangle or round surimi product with a soft, mild taste. It is believed to have been invented during the Edo period in Japan by a chef, Hanpei (半平) of Suruga, and the dish is named after him. Another theory suggests that because it is triangle shaped and appears to have been cut in half from a square, it is a half (半 han) piece (片 pen). It can be eaten as an ingredient in oden or soup. It can also be fried or broiled. (
Teki sura aishite agenasai
― Go, and love even your enemies!
Kore ai ttsuu ka kawaigari teki na
― Is this love or discipline?
かわいがる(kawaigaru) literally means to love, adore, or fondle, but it is used as a sumo slang to mean bloody hard training.
Nanka aitsu dake medatsu no wa shaku ja ne
― I don't like letting him get all the limelight.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 1
Koko made kite kaere nante shaku da kaeran
― I'm not leaving after coming all this way! That's an insult!
Ore mo sansen suru wa
― I'm going to join the fight!
Maa chaban ha chaban to shite
― Well, we may as well treat a farce as a farce...
When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 5
Chaban ha mou juubun desu kara
― That's enough of your act.
Ii kagen kakuji tekitou na wazamei iu no yamete itadake maccho
― Could you all please stop calling out random attack names?
Doujou nado iranu
― I don't need your pity.
Hodokoshi mo nagusame mo ore niwa muyou na mono
― Charity and comfort are useless to me.
Sore ijou shabettara make flag da
― If you say any more, you'll raise a defeat flag!
Chikuwabu niwa chikuwabu no kyouji ga aru noda
― We chikuwabu have a chikuwabu sort of pride!
Monozuki mo irun dashi sa
― Some people have strange tastes.
Kage no ususa ga aji nandayo
― Inconspicuousness is still a flavor!
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 12
Are ga zoku ni iu kage no usui hito ka to omotta nodesu
― I thought he simply lacked presence.
Bimyou na tachiichi no goboten toka gesoten ni naru yori yoppodo mashi nandayo
― It beats ending up with a dubious status like burdock tempure or squid tentacle tempure!
Gobomaki: boiled gobo (greater burdock, Arctium lappa, root) wrapped in surimi (
Sakki no hissatsu waza no imi wa
― What was the point of that finishing move earlier?
Tsuugonomi no atsuage itan no roll kyabetsu
― the amiable thick-fried tofu, the non-conforming cabbage rolls...
通好みの: for the experienced
Aburaage (油揚げ abura-age or aburage) is a Japanese food product made from soybeans. It is produced by cutting tofu into thin slices and deep frying first at 110~120, and then again at 180~200 ℃.
There is a thicker variety known as atsu-age (厚揚げ) or nama-age (生揚げ).(

― Love is over!
The song "Love is Over" by OuYang FeiFei was a big hit in 1983.
Waribikiken aru ssu yo
― I have coupons!
Ikukaa sentou sentougo dake ni
― Yeah, let's do that. A hot bath after a bloodbath.
Masaka wareware ni aragau mono ga deyou towa
― Has someone appeared to try to defy us?
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