Dacchi ikode (Minna de ikou)
― Let's go together
While Sensei was on the phone, Naru and Hina were singing a children's song with motion.
The folksong "でんでらりゅうば(dendera ryuu ba)" has been handed down in Nagasaki Prefecture.
On the lyrics, "来る(kuru: come)" is used to mean "行く(iku: go)" in Nagasaki dialect.
You can watch it from this youtube video.
Kocchi ni kite kara inspiration ga shigeki saremakutte na
― Ever since I've been here, I've been tingling with inspiration.
刺激する: stimulate
Handa-kun niha kare ni shika kakenai ji wo kiwamete hoshii
― I'd prefer that Handa-kun master writing calligraphy of his own.
Ji wo mireba kare no kao ga omoiukabu youna
― A calligraphy that represents his very self...
顔が思い浮かぶ: one's face comes to mind
Kare ha watashi wo nagutta koto wo hansei shiteiru no kana
― Has he... repented for punching me?
Kawafuji ni ha tsuyogatte miseta monono
― I expressed myself strongly to Kawafuji, but...
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 8
Sonna tsuyogari iu kimi mo kawaii yo, boku no bambino
― You're so cute when you try to sound brave, my bambino.
Nori de kaita kan ga zenmen ni deterun dayo na
― You can tell it was written in the heat of the moment...
前面に出る: emerge across the board
Rakusen no yurusarenai shoten nanoni nori de kaita ji de shoubu ni dete ii no ka ore ha
― Is is okay to submit something I wrote on a whim to an exhibit I can't afford to lose?
Hito ni yowami wo misenai ore ga soudan shiteru noni
― Here I was trying to open uo to you in a rare moment of vulnerability...
弱み: weak point, weakness
Ko gga aru kagiri Sensei ha eienni Naru no iinari
― As long as I got this, ya gotta listen to what I say forever!
Kogan shite ishi ba tsumiagete hei ba tsukuru typhoon taisaku tai
― Ya stack them stones ta make a wall to protect against hurricanes.
Sensei ha Naru to ibogaeru tori ba sutto zo ko bba tsukatte
― Naru's gonna make Sensei take her toad huntin'... using this!
It is also called "ヒキガエル(hikigaeru)" or "ガマガエル(gamagaeru)."
Mizukiri umaku iku ishi tai
― It's a rock that'll skip good on water.
Encouragement of Climb Season 2 Episode 5
Oshiete hoshii no ha ishinage ja nakute
― I don't want you to teach me stone skimming...
水切り ≒ 石投げ
O gga tsunda toko ha gattagata yo umaka hou chi omouchotta kedo
― I thought I stacked mine well, but this here's rickety.
Jinja de ore ga yaru koto tte nan desu ka? Oharai?
― What is it that I have to do in this shrine? Purification?
Uo sugoi desu ne nendaimono
― Wow... This is amazing. So old...
年代物の: antique, vintage
Konna kisoku-tadashii ji wo kaku no hisabisa da to omotte
― It's just that it's been a while since I wrote such well-ordered characters.
Iin desu ka? Kifu shite nai noni
― Are you sure? I didn't contribute at all.
Mohaya shi de aru watashi ni oshieru koto ha nai
― As your mentor, there's nothing more I can teach you.
― "Visiting Old, Learning New"
It's a four-character idiom derived from "論語(Rongo: The Analects of Confucius)."
Sensei yukata kisererunda
― Sensei, I didn't know you could tie a yukata sash.
Sono ki ni nareba kimono datte kitsukerareru zo
― If I wanted to, I could tie a kimono sash too.
What is the difference between Yukata and Kimono?
As a kind of Kimono, Yukata means a unlined cotton garment worn after bathing or in the summer.
Yukata is cheaper and easier than Kimono.
Kibun tenkan ni tukiatte yaru ka
― I guess I'll go with them for a change of pace.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 6
Senpai to basuke shitara kibuntenkan ni naru ka to omottan desu ga
― I thought it'd be a nice change of pace to play basketball with you.
Be betsuni tanoshiku nanka nai kara na
― I-I'm not happy at all, you know!
Nice tsundere.
Tonme matsuri
― "Tonme Festival"
It is a corruption of a place name, "富江(Tomie)."
Are ha uwasa no kingyo sukui
― That's the famous goldfish scoop!
There are other street stalls at a festival, such as yo-yo fishing and superball scoop.
Shoukoukai no tetsudai tai
― I'm just helpin' out the association.
商工会: commerce and industry association
― A pastry shell?
It is called "最中(monaka)."
Monaka is made of bean jam wrapped with thin wafers made from rice cake.
It's also sold as ice cream-filled monaka.

The scooper is called "ポイ(poi)" and can also be made by pasting paper on plastic frame.

Oyaji-san kore furyouhin desho
― Pops, this has got to be defective!
Michore yo Iku-chan no monaka sabaki
― Keep yer eyes on Iku-chan's scoopin' skills.
さばき: to manage something skillfully (by using the hands etc)
・足さばき(ashi sabaki): footwork, foot movement
・包丁さばき(houchou sabaki): skill in using kitchen knive, cutting movements of kitchen knife
Iku-chan ga kitara akaji tai
― She's gonna put us in the red.
赤字 ⇔ 黒字(kuroji): in the black
Nangoto mo kagen ga daiji cchi bunkou no toki oshieta toke
― Thought I taught her the importance of moderation back in branch school...
Iroiro tsukkonde hoshisou dakedo mushi shitokou
― He wantsme to call him out, but I'm not taking the bait.
Tokyo ESP Episode 5
Yappari boku ha mushi nante dekinai
― I can't turn a blind eye to it.
Ikimono ha sodateru no taihen dakara aete toranakattan da
― Raising living things is a pain, so I purposely didn't catch any.
Soft-bu ga muteki cchi koto ba shirashimete yarou ya
― Let's show everyone that the softball club is invincible.
Aki no yatsu shouroku no kuse ni namaiki chi ne
― Akki's actin' sassy for a sixth grader.
Nande hatsubaibi ni nain desu ka
― Why don't you have it on sale on the day of release?!
It could happen in the country.
Uchira tamani basuke-bu no suketto ba yariyo kken
― We sometimes help the basketball club too.
[Brushup] (unposted)
Barakamon Episode 8
Hitode ga tarinai kara suketto dato
― I just came to assist, since they didn't have enough guys.
Ninzuu sukunaka ken mochitsu motaretsu yone
― None of the clubs have many members, so we give an' take, y'know?
Masaka shirarezaru ore no sainou wo hirou suru hi ga koyou toha
― Who'd have expected a day to arrive where I would have to display my undisclosed talent...?
Yamawake shite hitori sanbyaku en
― Even split fer 300 yen a head.
Torioki shite tte itta no ni
― I asked you to put the book on hold!
●たこやき 400 やきそば 300 わたあめ 100 ジュース 150
― Takoyaki Yakisoba Cotton Candy Juice
たこ焼き: octopus dumplings
焼きそば: cf. Himegoto Episode 9 (Public Morality Committee's Yakisoba)
Sasuga ni nana-sai no kodomo kara megunde morau wake ni ha ikan
― Now way I can be treated by a seven-year-old kid.
Kechi danaa
― So cheap...
けち: stingy
Taiko ussaka
― Them drums are so loud!
Itteru soba kara
― Already...?
[Literal transl.]
→ Right after I told
Ore ga iu no mo nan daga seishun wo bou ni futteru na
― Not that I'm fit to say this, but you're wasting your youth badly.
棒に振る: give up, throw away, lose
Hee hazereba ii noni ne
― Oh? If only they'd explode...
It derives from the following slang.
LOVE STAGE!! Episode 10
Riajuu bakuhatsu shiro
― Srsly explode IRL.
リア充: someone who lives a fulfilling life in the real world.
It specially refers to someone who has a lover.
⇔ ネト充(net-juu): someone who enjoys a life in the virtual world of the Internet.
Dan mo konnee
― No one's a comin'...
だんも ← 誰も(dare mo)
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