Sayonara Watashitachi no Natsu
― Farewell To Our Summer
Ashita ha Hannou nouryou hanabi taikai
― Tommorow is Hanno's Cool of Evening Fireworks Festival.
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 2
Saigo no kyougi ha nouryou dai uchimizu taikai XC
― Finally, we have the refreshing War FiXC!
納涼: cooling down from the heat by using the five senses
Daitai Aoi ha shumi ga kurai no
― Well, your hobbies are dreary, Aoi!
●このオタンチン! / 何よトンチキ!
Kono otanchin / Nani yo tonchiki
― Why, you fool! / What was that, lummox?!
Encouragement of Climb Season 2 Episode 5
Tonchiki tte nani
― What's a numbskull?
Kondo to iu kondo ha kanninbukuro no o ga kiretan dakara
― I've completely run out of patience with you this time!
○堪忍袋の緒が切れる (kanninbukuro no o ga kireru)
Meaning: to be out of patience, to be unable to put up with something anymore
●ぐんまちゃん? / あれは夢馬くんだよ!
Gunma-chan / Are ha Muuma-kun dayo
― Gunma-chan? / That's Muuma-kun!
Gunma-chan is named the champion of the 2014 mascot character contest.
Muuma-kun is the PR character of Hanno city.
Kokona-chan no okiniiri
― Kokona-chan has a crush on him.
お気に入り: favorite
Koko ga Hannou Ginza
― This is Hanno Ginza.
Tannin no Arai-sensei dayo
― This is my homeroom teacher, Arai-sensei.
Furui tatemono toka kura toka
― Old buildings, warehouses...
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 7
Meiji izeni ni taterareta kura ga aru
― there is a storehouse that was constructed before the Meiji era.
Honoka-chan ha onna no ko desu
― Honoka-chan is a girl!
Sore kara kousho-kyoufushou ni nacchatta no
― I've been afraid of heights ever since.
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 4
Ore ha kousho-kyoufushou nanda
― I have a fear of heights.
Nakanaori suru yo
― I'll make up with her!
Hanayamata Episode 9
○マチちゃんとサリ先生が仲直りできますように タミ
Machi-chan to Sally-sensei ga nakanaori dekimasu youni Tami
― I want Machi-chan and Sally-sensei to make up - Tami
Chiisai koro dobu ni ochita toka
― As kids, you both fell into a ditch,
Warito occhokochoi nandatte
― And you're fairly scatterbrained.
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Episode 10
Occhokochoi desu kedo yasashii desushi ryouri mo jouzu desushi
― She's scatterbrained, but she's kind and good at cooking.
Osagari dakedo saizu pittari de yokatta wa
― Sorry it's a hand-me-down, but I'm glad that it fits.
Encouragement of Climb Season 2 Episode 13
Kore okaa-san no osagari nano
― Those are hand-me-downs from my mom.
Ima no ha kingyo Tobashi desu! Tsugi ha Obire Hazushi! Mikazuki Otoshi! Ryuu no Takinobori
― That was Goldfish Flying. Next is Fin fling! Crescent Moon Drop! Dragon Climbing a Waterfall!
Apparently, these are actual techniques of goldfish scooping.
Tsugi ha yooyoo tsuri ni challenge desu
― Next, I'll take on yo-yo fishing!
Yo-yo balloons, also known as Yo-yo Tsuris, are a common type of water balloon found at matsuri festivals in Japan. (

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