Otona Dropout de Cosplay
― Adult Dropout Cosplay!
Yahari waga kimi no nokoriyu ni kagiru
― Nothing beats my darling's leftover bathwater.
●月読本舗 変若ち水
Tsukuyomi Honpo Ochimizu
― Tsukuyomi Store Water of Youth
Probably "ヴルヴ…味" means Volvic.
Kore wakagaeri no mizu
― This is rejuvenating water!
Babu ja wakanneeyo baka
― I don't understand "goo goo," idiot!
バブー (babuuu) is an onomatopoeia that describes a baby's cry.
●ハーイ!チャーン!バーブー! / そのしゃべり方はやめろ!
Haaai! Chaaan! Baaa Buuu! / Sono shaberikata ha yamero
― Yaaah! Chaaa! Goo goo! / Stop talking like that.
He's mimicing Ikura-chan who can only speak three of these in a nationally popular anime, Sazae-san.
Chiisana okosama no te no todokanai tokoro he oite kudasai
― Please put me somewhere small children cannot reach.
This description is often written in instruction manuals.
Jigou-jitoku daze Inugami
― You reap what you sow, Inugami.
Girl Friend BETA Episode 2
Mata kore ni nita jigou-jitoku to iu kotoba mo arimasuga
― There's also a similar proverb that says, "You reap what you sow."
― You should mend your ways.
Kore ha Tukigami brand Takamagahara celeb ni daininki
― This is the Moon God brand, popular with all the Takama-ga-hara celebrities.
Takama-ga-hara (高天原 the Plain of High Heaven) is a place in Japanese mythology. In Shinto, Takama-ga-hara (or Takama no Hara) is the dwelling place of the kami. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takama-ga-hara)[Idiom]
Mechanko takai no wo kiyomizu no butai kara tobioriru ki de katta noni
― I took the plunge and bought ridiculously expensive spring water!
The popular expression "to jump off the stage at Kiyomizu" is the Japanese equivalent of the English expression "to take the plunge". This refers to an Edo period tradition that held that, if one were to survive a 13m jump from the stage, one's wish would be granted. Two hundred thirty-four jumps were recorded in the Edo period and, of those, 85.4% survived. The practice is now prohibited. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiyomizu-dera)

Oi oi kateinai bouryoku kayo Okkane
― Now you're committing domestic violence? How terrifying.
Shitsuke da
― This is discipline!
Jaa otona to shite omaera ga nonda bun benshou shite kureruka
― Then, act like an adult and compensate me for what you drank!
Ima endaka dakara kaigai no reiyaku no hou ga yasuku kaen ja neeka
― The yen is strong right now. Can't you just get chap foreign miracle drugs instead?
By the way, the yen is falling sharply right now.
Shinwa no item ni kawase souba ga eikyou suru nodesu
― Are mythological items affected by the exchange rate?
Elixir no generic nara yasuku kaendaro
― You can probably get generic elixirs cheap.
Elixir tte renkinjutsushi ga tsukutta yatsu daro
― Elixirs? You mean the stuff alchemists make?
cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elixir_of_life
Anna yoku wakaran kagaku gousei shita mon kowakute nomeruka
― I'm too scared to drink a product born from some confusing chemical reaction!
Kokkuri-san ha organic shokuhin shika mitomenai
― Kokkuri-san only consumes organic foodstuffs.
Ikezu sunna
― Don't be so mean.
Kotoba mo wakaranu akago wo nabutte ha ikemasenu
― You must not torment children who can't speak.
なぶる(naburu): tease
Ojisan ha shounen no karada ga himeru osoroshii hodo no tokken ni kizuichimatta
― I've just realized the terrifying privilege hidden within the bodies of young boys.
Skirt mekuri shitemo muzai
― Lifting up skirts isn't a crime!
Gaishutsu wo kinzuru
― You are forbidden to go out.
Toutoi mono ha pantsu nanodesu
― Panties... are sacred?
Skirt mekuri no shinkocchou ha reaction da
― The true value of lifting skirts lies in the reactions!
Mushikera wo miru me nanodesu
― You are a worm.
Tsukitsumereba shitagi nante tada no nuno da
― Underwear's nothing more than pieces of cloth.
Denki-gai no Honya-san Episode 5
Tadano nuno no katamari da
― They're just a blob of cloth.
Shukuchihou de okosama no te no todokanu tokoro he hinan suru Ichimatsu de atta
― Kohina retreated to higher ground, out of reach of children, using teleportation.
The power is originally one of 仙術 (senjutsu: supernatural arts of Sennin).
Mayowazu kanibaruna
― He cannibalized her!
Peee shinasai
― Spit it out! Spit!
― Ya like that?
Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 3
― Take it.
Ningen pump ka
― What is he, a human pump?
A performer who swallows and pukes a goldfish is called "ningen pump."
Kona milk yori bonyuu ga hochii
― Instead of powdered milk, I want Mommy's breast milk―
Ikuji neurose ni naru Kokkuri-san datta
― Raising children made Kokkuri-san neurotic.
Noumiso goto youji taikou shita Kokkuri-san datta
― Kokkuri-san's body and mind regressed to a child-like state.
Tataite naoru no ha kaden dake daze
― Hitting only works on appliances.
Naku ko mo damatta
― She frightened him into silence.
Kore nara hokenjo ni hikitotte moraeru nodesu
― Now the animal shelter win take you.
保健所: public health center
Jintai mokei tsuu
― Anatomical models?
Takai takai shitara ugokanaku natta nyaa
― He stopped mobing while playing up, up, and away, meow.
Takai takai nanodesu
― You tossed him up, up, and dead.
Hassou ga ryoukiteki sugi masu
― Your ideas are too grotesque.
Sanchi ha tomokaku nan no niku dayo
― I don't care where it was produced! What kind of meat is it?!
産地: production area
Hoshoku sareta
― It ate her!
捕食する(hoshoku suru): prey on
Curry kato omottara predator datta Nani wo itteruka ore nimo wakaranee
― I thought it was curry, but it was actually a predator. I don't even know what I'm saying.
That's a reference to Polnareff's line in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
This is used as a meme and commonly called ポルナレフ状態 (Polnareff joutai).
Moshikashirata kakushiaji machigaetaka nya
― Did I use the wrong special ingredient?
Chinamini koko de "Konna no okashiiyo! Boku otoko no ko nanoni!" to namidame uwamezukai de iu no ga pro da nya
― By the way, in this situation, a pro look up with tears in his eyes and say: "This isn't right! I'm a boy!"
上目遣い: up-from-under look
Shinausu de nyushu konnan
― Supplies are low, so it's difficult to get.
Nisemono ha ni-sannichi de kouka ga kirete shimau soakuhin de
― The knockoffs are low-quality fakes that wear off after a few days.
Shoshite oni no ikioi de shouhisha center ni higaitodoke wo ireru Kokkuri-san nano de atta
― Kokkuri-san furiously submitted a complaint to the consumer center.
The Consumer Affairs Agency (消費者庁 shouhishachō) is an administrative agency of the Cabinet of Japan established on September 1, 2009 responsible for consumer protection. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_Affairs_Agency)
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