Since international characters often introduce a Japanese idiom or proverb, it's worthwhile.
Shikashi dou shinnyuu shimashou
― But how do we get inside?
Souiu koto nara oira ni makasete kureyo
― You can leave that to me.
Mukashi totta nantoka tte yatsu da
― There's something I picked up long ago.
Shinnyuu shiyou nimo mado mo tobira mo nai desuyo
― There are no windows or doors we can use to break in.
Kabe nimo mattaku tegakari ga nai Yojinoboru noha fukanou dana
― And no handholds on the walls. It would be impossible to climb.
Mukashi totta nantoka tte
― What was is you picked up long ago?
Sumou kana
― Sumo, maybe?
Mukashi totta kinezuka
Literally: a mallet handle picked up long ago
Kinezuka refers to the handle of a mallet used for pounding mochi.
Because one who has learned how to pound mochi with the kinezuka in the past has not forgotten the skill again, this phrase is used for...
Meaning: You never forget your own trade. / Utilizing one's experience of former days.

Also, "to wrestle in sumo"is expressed as "相撲を取る(sumou wo toru)" in Japanese.
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